What's the best proof to show that Iron Maiden is NOT satanic

Anybody that has a preconcieved notion that Maiden is a satanic band generally falls into a certain catagory... parents, fundamentalist religious types, or the abyssmally unaware unwashed masses. If it's your parents, take the time to educate them through revealing some of the lyrical examples mentioned in previous posts. Proving Maiden to be non satanic to religious fundamentalists might be a more difficult task, as many of them are pretty narrow minded in their approach to secular music in general, let alone Iron Maiden. As for members of the great unwashed masses, do your best to spread the news that Maiden is the finest rock n roll band on the planet, and as far from being satanic as are The Smurfs. If people don't "get" this band, fuck 'em...
I recall around the time The Number of the Beast was released, Iron Maiden copped alot of flack about being satanic. I thought this was all nipped in the bud at the time, with Iron Maiden clearly stating they wern't satanic and laughing the whole thing off. Seems like an old can of worms has been reopened, but if anything it won't bother Maiden, any publicity is good publicity.
As I said in my opening post, and as a Maiden newbie at the tender age of a-couple-of-years-from-fifty, for thirty years the whole Eddie image and the message portrayed by the whole NOTB thing (at a superficial level, at least) put me off the band.

So what sort of image is the inconic Eddie intended to portray? What is it about Eddie that attracts people to the band?

And although I don't know Maiden's catalogue well, the eponymous debut album certainly seems to convey a certain image - and contain a certain substance - that's at odds with the later stuff.

Thus although perhaps the word satanic has too specific a meaning, in general terms the eariler image is dark and unattractive.

I mean, Prowler and Charlotte the Harlot certainly convey an image of mysogony.

And then with the next album the mere title is enough to put anyone off - Killers.

Of course, there's also the band's name, which has always seemed to convey a certain sort of message.

And whatever the substance behing it all - and despite the obvious evolution of the whole philosophy, even at the presentational level - there will always be a legacy born of the earlier days.

It's a bit like a brand. Skoda cars used to be a bit of a joke, and I always thought that they should have rebranded the car when VW took them over, because they always had a problem getting rid of the badge's image.

Of course, now that Skoda cars are effectively rebadged VWs, and have been for a number of years now, the image of the brand will be different to younger people than to those a bit older.

Same with IM - younger people are more likely to have a different perception of the band than oldies like myself, but the legacy is always difficult to shed completely.

Indeed, by gradually downplaying the emphasis on Eddie - on the album covers, at least, the band have perhaps been alert to the concerns over the whole IM brand and thus tried to change things?
I don't see any cover where Eddie's significance has been downplayed. He's always been the centrepiece of the cover - at least, the studio covers. The one exception is AMOLAD, which remains one of my favourite covers.
The Eclectic said:
...the band have perhaps been alert to the concerns over the whole IM brand and thus tried to change things?

I don't think the band has any such concerns about their image, nor have I seen any deliberate change.

Possible, but I've never heard any talk about that.

And with this post, I have joined the 4000-post club. :D
SinisterMinisterX said:
Proof of their dumbshit status: the ringleader grew up to be a Republican politician.

My favourite post of the day.
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
Play them the intro to Still Life. :lol:


Seriously, anyone who judges Maiden by the album covers and calls them SATANIC is seriously fucking retarded. By that standard we're overrun by satanists in the entertainment medium. If it upsets people, they deserve to be upset and I take joy in adding fuel to the fire :)

If you really care about the person and they're genuinely open to be educated just show them any amount of interviews where the band are asked about it, or Bruce's rant before Revelations on the LAD dvd or................ play them Lord of Light and keep the mirage up :D
Or Back In The Village and turn the volume up when it says 'I see sixies all the way'  :D

SinisterMinisterX said:
Hehe, I did that when I was younger. There were some dumbshits back in high school who gave me shit about liking Maiden. Not because of Maiden - I just didn't get along with those dumbshits in general. They'd say something like "Maiden is satanic! Do you worship the devil too?"

My usual response was "Only on Tuesdays."

What's so special about Tuesdays?
Starblind is about the infinite possibilities of humanity, if think forward and don't tie ourselves to archaic ritualistic idiocy called "religion".

(I'm just saying what it says. Those who know me know my opinion on the subject.)
"There are times when I've wondered
And times when I've cried
When my prayers they were answered
At times when I've lied"

"God give me the answer to my life
God give me the answer to my dreams
God give me the answer to my prayers
God give me the answer to my being"

"He gave his life for us he fell upon the cross
To die for all of those who never mourn his loss
It wasn't meant for us to feel the pain again
Tell me why, tell me why"

'They'll be saying their prayers
when the moment comes
There'll be penance to pay when it's judgement day
And the guilty'll bleed when the moment comes
They'll be coming to claim,
take your soul away"

"They'll be coming to bring the eternal flame
They'll be bringing us all immortality
Holding communion so the world be blessed
My creator my God'll lay my soul to rest"

"Whatever God you know,
He knows you better than you

"I wait for the signs, they tell me true. I see the signs of the end time"

"So I watch and I wait. And I pray for an answer
An end to the strife and the world's misery. But the end never came
And we're digging the graves. And we're loading the guns for the kill"

these are just a few examples that they acknowledge a god and feel he is good. now as for their view on organized religion....well.....
It's the FACT that they are not satanic. That was bullshit! I'm not gonna burn in hell if I listen to Maiden or Metal in general.

Oh, and Adrian Smith is bigger than you.  :innocent:
SinisterMinisterX said:
I don't think the band has any such concerns about their image, nor have I seen any deliberate change.

Possible, but I've never heard any talk about that.

But do you think the band would write songs like Prowler, Charlotte the Harlot or 22 Acacia Avenue these days, or even the NOTB?

Perhaps as you say the band are not concerned about their image or any change has been deliberate, but older fans no doubt look back on some of their attitudes from their teenage years and thereabouts and wonder what the hell they were up to. By the same token, perhaps a group of guys in their fifties wouldn't write Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter, but twenty years earlier?

Of course, whatever the uderlying attitudes, part of the fun of being young is to shock others, particularly the older generation, and rock and pop music has always reflected that, and it also helps sell the product, but by the same token if the shock value attracts one kind of customer, it will alienate others, perhaps unfairly.

Thus those who think IM are unfairly portrayed should perhaps ask what precise image the band want to convey? To a large extent the image is intentional, thus to be an IM fan inevitably means a certain degree of alienation from the wider public, but to an extent at least no doubt that's what attracts fans to IM. And to a degree some fans will revel in the band's generally unfavourable image, perhaps even the satanic aspect.

Of courses, as the young grow old and they are then shocked by the younger generation, values also change over time.

This kind of thing from a newspaper article a couple of years ago always makes me smile.:

"More than half a century ago, the rock fans' bible, the New Musical Express criticised ***** ******* for his 'violent hip-swinging exhibitionism' under a headline asking 'Is this new boy singer too sexy for Britain?'

"The Chief Constable of Manchester announced that he was drafting in extra police to a forthcoming ***** concert, 'because we all know the trouble that this wild young man can incite'.

"The BBC actually issued a guideline that camera angles should be kept above *****'s waist level, 'because his movements are too explicit and morally questionable for family viewing'. And an MP demanded that he be banned 'as a corrupt influence on vulnerable teenagers'."

I took the name out, but for anyone who couldn't guess it's about Cliff Richard  ::)
LooseCannon said:
I don't see any cover where Eddie's significance has been downplayed. He's always been the centrepiece of the cover - at least, the studio covers. The one exception is AMOLAD, which remains one of my favourite covers.

Yes, perhaps I didn't phrase that correctly, but maybe the image portrayed by the later album covers is a bit softer? Or less likely to scare the children, sort of thing?

Perhaps that's not deliberate, but visually - and certainly lyrically - the band have gradually conveyed a less foreboding/threatening image?
______no5 said:
What's so special about Tuesdays?

Nothing at all.

However, saying "only on Tuesdays" about devil worship is an unexpected answer. Give someone a "yes" or "no" and they'll just find a way to continue a pointless argument. Give them a surprise, and they have to stop and think.

I'm fairly sure I mentioned these guys were dumbshits. When you can make them stop to think, it takes them a looooong time to do it. They scratch their heads, and I walk away because I can't be bothered with dumbshits.
I don't know what you're getting, but here's my Google ads for this thread...

Who is the Antichrist? A Major Global World Debate on Who is the Antichrist. See Now!

Satanic Store - Many unique Satanic designs. Low prices. Shop now!

Damn, that Google is good. :halo:
SinisterMinisterX said:
Nothing at all.

However, saying "only on Tuesdays" about devil worship is an unexpected answer. Give someone a "yes" or "no" and they'll just find a way to continue a pointless argument. Give them a surprise, and they have to stop and think.

Yes I see what you mean. My companion once, gave a similar answer to a preaching lady in the bus: When the preaching lady was speaking about god, try to convince my lady why god exists, Lili replied: And how do we know, that there's only one god? I believe that there's more than one. That was really shocking for the preaching lady. More than to say I don't believe in god, at all. She rest for a couple of seconds with an open mouth, completely speechless.  :D

However, I was making a joke, there's nothing special about Tuesdays, apart Ruby Tuesday by Stones, the group that did Their Satanic Majesties Request  :devil2:

What's so special about Tuesdays?

I was hoping for an answer like:
It's not meant to be taken literally. Obviously it refers to any manufacturers of dairy products. <insert SMX improvisation>

I couldn't find anything to go with days and be funny the same time, so my question was a pass, a silent cry for help. That's why I didn't add a funny smiley in my question: If you had caught the Life of Brian joke and replied to me as above (without smiley it would have been much more funny) it would have been an once in a year-time forum moment!

I know, a bit complicated, but not completely impossible  ;)

Cheesemakers here
You could also try pointing out that neither God or the Devil actually exist, so it doesn't matter if they sing about them or not.
I would ask them to define Satanic. Considering that Satanism isn't really what people think it is, is rather rare and overall mostly harmless....
LooseCannon said:
I would ask them to define Satanic. Considering that Satanism isn't really what people think it is, is rather rare and overall mostly harmless....

Quite right. I'd also question whether or not the satanic bible is any crazier than the holy bible...