What would you do to win Maiden backstage passes?

Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
Why the fuck have you eaten all of that?

Let's disassemble this:

Onhell said:
calf brain tacos,

Brain is a very common dish in many countries. I've seen it on menus in France and Hungary. It's rich on protein and supposed to be very tasty, but I have never eaten it myself, at least not knowingly (I'm still doubtful on the exact content of that goulash soup I had in Budapest). I have never seen it served on a taco either. But the joke of the Piece of Mind picture where the band sit at a dinner table looking at the brain dish is lost on most non-English fans.


Supposed to be very tasty roasted, a common dish in many subtropical and tropical parts of the world.

ant larvae,

Don't see how this is any more gross than an egg.

silk worms,

Now that is gross.

caked bulls blood....

Blutwurst, i.e. sausage made from pig blood is fairly common in Germany, for instance. I think it tastes disgusting, but not for the fact that it is made of blood.

I'm sure some of the tacos i've had in mexico actually contained dog, cat and/or rat....

Everybody knows that Chinese are reputed to eat cats and dogs (although only rarely), and I seriously don't see what's so bad about that. Dogs were a staple of Polynesian diet for many millennia. Why eat a pig or a cow, but not a cat or a dog? I don't get it.

Rats, on the other hand transmit many, many illnesses, and eating them is simply not safe.
Prisoner Of Maiden said:
He's Mexican  :P

That's exactly why :D and what Perun said. Oh, silk worms taste like french fries :)

Rakfisk? Is that like... being fisted by a rat?
Rakfisk is fish that has been fermented  :D Check the Wiki article.

I've never been fisted by a rat, so I don't know how that compares to rakfisk.
I am never going to put anything in my mouth that ends in -fisk. ;)
Back on topic; I would just call Steve on his personal cell phone and ask him if I could come back stage. I have him on speed dial.  :D
Yeah, but the Nazi cat was drinking to ease the pain of that burnt hand, right?  He was doomed from the start.
He was the first one out. Nazis can't drink man. You'd think they could because of being German and all but........
Just a bunch of Nancy-boys.

So, Steve's under the table, you're scabbing his phone number off his comatose body and Marion is still drinking?
So, Steve's under the table, you're scabbing his phone number off his comatose body and Marion is still drinking?

Well, close.... Marion's under the table providing me with the motivation to beat Steve in the arm wrestling match we are engaged in (I guess playing bass gives you ridiculously strong forearms); the agreement is if I win, Steve gives me his number. I lose but Steve feels bad (plus he's drunk as shit) and gives me his number anyway. I haven't tried it yet, it better be right!
Eddies Wingman said:
Is this an aversion against fish in general, or just against fish prepared by Norwegians, Swedes, Danes and Icelanders?

An aversion against whatever was rotting in that can that bloke brought to school that fateful day. ;)
Deano said:
She gave me a crystal skull!  :lol:  :lol:

Ha!!  Is that what they call it now.... I always thought it was head.  Erm, a "Crystal Head".  yeah, that's what I meant.  :innocent: