I am watching it now.
You can certainly hear that he's not a young man in his voice, but I wouldn't say the content of the answers suggest any level of cognitive issues. Biden clearly understood the questions and provided reasonable, politician-style answers. He certainly avoids answering some questions, but that's not abnormal, again, for a politician in an interview. He occasionally halts his speech so he can sort out what he's saying next - normal for someone who stutters.
It's not the interview I would have told him to give, to be fair, pivoting to the record, pivoting to the record. It's not about the record, it's about whether Biden is able to fill the office of president.
When Stephanopolos does pin him down on the physical question, he gives a firm no to the question as to whether or not he is more frail than he was when he started office. When he is asked about a cognitive test, he's giving an answer that his staffers think are strong, but I'm pretty sure it won't take.
I will say one thing, Joe knows his record inside and out, and he's able to recall it quickly. When Biden actually answers the questions on his health, he does a good job delivering fairly firm answers. But he can't get out of campaign mode. Maybe politicians can't, I don't know.
Do I think Biden has major cognitive decline? No, I'm afraid I don't. I see an 81 year old man who has had incredible burdens and is not the most vibrant 81 year old in the world, but is far from the least vibrant. He knows what's going on, he knows who he is, what he's doing, and what the stakes are, and he clearly thinks he can do the job.