I was talking to a right wing friend of mine yesterday and of course he was telling me of all the shit Biden is already going back on (fracking), being a hypocrite on (canceling the keystone pipeline effectively leaving people unemployed after promising to be "America's President"), and what he hasn't changed (Kids will remain in cages, just like under Obama, Trump and now Biden.) We also discussed the surge in troops in Afghanistan and Syria, when they were supposed to withdraw pretty soon.
I basically told him, "What did you expect?" ALL politicians lie. ALL politicians have to make unpopular decisions. While "the majority" of people may vote for a person, their decisions are bound to make someone unhappy, both the people that didn't and did vote for them. Fracking is a tricky one. For one, it's one of the reasons gas prices have dropped dramatically due to that. On the other hand the disasters caused by it (earthquakes, floods, landslides, etc) directly affect communities and the environment, Keystone is just following through Obama era policy.
the immigration issue is very complicated. Someone mentioned getting rid of ICE being a "ridiculous" notion and I counter with the creation of ICE being ridiculous. Just another overreaction stemming from 9/11 and the creation of the Homeland department. But it WAS created, it's here and like government programs, once created they are nearly impossible to discontinue. Under Obama, aka the deporter-in-chief, ICE operated under very simple rules, only go after people who have commited crimes, thatp's it. If the person was working, paying taxes and minding their business, they didn't care. Under Trump, that channged to, go after everyone, which included in one extreme case an ex-policeman from Honduras who gave the U.S government information on criminal organizations and was in the U.S for protection, because if he had stayed in Honduras he'd be dead. Due to a techicality in his paperwork he was deemed "illegal" and deported. Thanks for your help. That's why my hope is that they'll, at the very least, go back to going after people that have commited more crimes than just being undocumented.
As for Biden. I told my friend that people think I'm some sort of Commie leftist, when I'm more of a moderate centrist. Biden WAS NOT my horse in this race. He's a million times better than Trump or even Hillary, but he still wasn't "my guy." I reminded him that while Trump is crying over stolen eletions, people seem to have forgetten the DNC debacle of 2016 when they rigged the primaries in Hillary's favor and how for a second primary in a row, they made so Sanders wouldn't get the nomination. But since Trump was stealing all the headlines, NO ONE cared and I still don't know what came of it. Reforms? Outrage? Lawsuits? No clue.
There Travis, you get your wish, "leftists" about to discuss policies rather than shit on the right.