USA Politics

Yea I said it. He's an old fuck that does way more damage than he's worth. It's not like I said let's hang a kid. I mean if this guy is going to spend his final years in wrecking havoc he better be gone as fast as possible.
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Yeah Zare wished death on him. I mean, I don't want anyone to die from this stupid disease. I believe that heaven and earth should be moved to prevent its spread.

Too bad Donald Trump didn't feel the same.
The bottom is falling out fast.

Chris Christie (former NJ gov) and Ron Johnson (R Sen from Wisconsin) have tested positive for COVID.
Trump's doctor refuses to say he was never on O2.
And Trump's positive test was three days ago (Wednesday).
This time a year ago I thought the 2020 election would be hectic but not much more chaotic than 2016. Maybe Trump would win again, maybe he’d lose, it would probably be close regardless. I was not expecting to be watching the campaign go down in flames in real time the way we are now. He might not even make it to Election Day.
Trump is probably the most likely 74 year old there is to survive Covid. Trump has access to experimental treatments and the top tier of the top tier of doctors.
Sure, but there’s only so much top tier doctors can do when you’re an out of shape elderly person.

Senate votes are canceled for two weeks but McConnell is vowing to go through with scotus confirmation. It seems increasingly more likely that this gets derailed. Incredible
Yeah, the SCOTUS implications are interesting. Two Republican members of the judiciary committee just tested positive for COVID, and if they’re unable to vote and the Democrats boycott, then the committee can’t get a quorum to pass the nomination along to the full Senate.

McConnell could use Senate rules to bypass the committee for a floor vote, but unlike in committees, you have to be physically present for a floor vote, and two Republicans have already said they won’t vote to confirm before the election, so if only two more Republicans are unable to attend the vote, they’re sunk unless they can peel off some Democrats to vote for it.
Soon we’re going to start seeing a pivot toward voting during the lame duck, which could go all kinds of different ways. For one thing, Kelly is going to get in in November, which means McConnell will lose another vote. If Trump dies and loses the election, maybe they ram it through in December as “Trump’s last dying wish” or something equally ridiculous. Otherwise the political will won’t be there unless Trump wins. This isn’t even considering the possibility that one of the infected senators dies.
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There is apparently an unusual amount of guns being sold at the moment. Almost like a rush hour of gun purchasing.
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Probably people who fear that if Biden wins the election, they won't be allowed to buy any after January 20th.

Or just another round of arms sales going up during times of unrest. Didn't the same happen when the pandemic started taking off in March?
Probably people who fear that if Biden wins the election, they won't be allowed to buy any after January 20th.

Or just another round of arms sales going up during times of unrest. Didn't the same happen when the pandemic started taking off in March?
I think people fear there will be violence following the election and want to feel safe by having a gun of their own. The ones prone to start the violence already have their pieces.
I think #1 upgrade in home security @ U.S. would be actually building your home out of concrete.
So if your house gets fired at, even with them bad guys having a machine gun, you can just sit beneath the window and throw grenades behind the back.
There is apparently an unusual amount of guns being sold at the moment. Almost like a rush hour of gun purchasing.

Probably the mass shooting effect. They're afraid Biden might get elected and since he's a democrat he will push for gun controls and therefore go and buy the guns while they still can. It's what happens with every debate after a massacre. Nobody is staging mass shootings, but if I were forced to argue that someone is, I would go for the gun lobby, because they profit a lot from those.
The best time (before 2020) for the gun industry was Nov-Dec-Jan 2008-9 as idiots bought guns before Obama was inaugurated.
Probably the mass shooting effect.

It is not just that, Yax is correct. Minorities are starting to arm themselves more and more. Especially sexual minorities. Because they're the first target of domestic terrorists and they've waited far too long for the system to mend.
So this is the first year I’ve ever voted. I never enjoyed politics and don’t enjoy keeping up with it. It’s exhausting, I have very limited control, and much of it doesn’t affect me in a tangible way.

But I despise Trump so much I had to vote. That’s my story.
The above is why Trump is bound to lose in a landslide imo. A lot of otherwise conservative/apolitical people are just sick of this guy.