Ancient Mariner
The takeaway here isn't that he doesn't like paying taxes. It's how indebted he is.
Edit: @bearfan do debates really matter that much though? It's mostly a show anyway. Do they really move the "undecided voters?" or is that done by other factors?
I think they generally do not matter unless one candidate does/says something incredibly stupid that is new .. which may or may not matter. Which is a distinct possibility with these two. If the debates are generally uneventful, that really plays to Biden
The First George Bush looking at is watch for example, Jimmy Carter talking about a conversation with his daughter being key to his nuclear strategy, Al Gore and his general tone are things that pop to my mind ... or one candidate hits another one hard and effective .. Reagan joking about Mondale's youth and inexperience is seen as the point that ended any shot Mondale had (which was slim for sure)