As if 2020 couldn’t get crazier. Fuck
I think this just sealed Trump’s loss. Flipping another Supreme Court seat conservative is something Republicans would love to see, but there are few things you could do to motivate left-of-center voters to the polls more than telling them they’re staring down the reality of a 6-3 conservative court or worse, plus a probable overturning of Roe v Wade.
Y’know, it would be a stroke of genius if Trump put up Merrick Garland. He’d never do it in a million years, but imagine the reaction if he did. And it’d be so close to the election that it might actually swing undecideds his way if he looked like he was trying to heal a divide for a change.Of course any of these no’s can be changed if Trump nominated the right person.
I think the Dems are going to go for the full monty.On a serious note. a conservative friend of mine is worried about the dems throwing out the fillibuster and packing the courts and I told him he is being short sighted as that can eventually favor republicans as well.
Unfortunately, if they do that the Republicans will file tons of law suits to try to stop them, and eventually some of those suits will make their way up to a 6-3 conservative Supreme Court for a final decision.I think the Dems are going to go for the full monty.
Kill the filibuster, admit DC and Puerto Rico, pass redistricting and voting rights rules. Put the GOP into the minority their vote share suggests they have.
Unfortunately, if they do that the Republicans will file tons of law suits to try to stop them, and eventually some of those suits will make their way up to a 6-3 conservative Supreme Court for a final decision.
Mitch would rather trigger his nuclear option now and worry about fighting away the Dems nuclear option. Besides, this is what he's thinking:
1) Get a conservative flunky on the court.
2) Dems win the trifecta.
3) Dems blow away the filibuster - fight that.
4) Dems pass a court packing bill - sue over that.
5) SCOTUS rules 6-3 that court packing bill is unconstitutional because reasons.
Donatello, Michelangelo, Leonardo and Rafael agree.Comparing Mitch McConnel to a turtle is an insult to all past, present and future turtles.
Expecting me to remember something from 5 posts earlier? Preposterous! LOL.