USA Politics

Just imagine being US President during an pandemic with 100,000 dead Americans, race riots across multiple cities and a very active hurricane season is about to start.

Oh yeah, and it's an election year.
Just think about it, even at the lowest point of German-American diplomatic relations in 2003 after Schröder refused to follow Bush II in his attack on Iraq, this would have been unthinkable. And as a note, back then, Merkel was considered Bush's girl in Germany.

I just read that a Swedish journalist and a Norwegian press photographer were fired at with rubber bullets while covering the protests. Seems the situation is pretty much out of control.
Just think about it, even at the lowest point of German-American diplomatic relations in 2003 after Schröder refused to follow Bush II in his attack on Iraq, this would have been unthinkable. And as a note, back then, Merkel was considered Bush's girl in Germany.

They seem to be citing the pandemic as the reason though, that's a special case.

Orange is the New Black turned out to be prophetic then. Murican police should watch the show to learn how not to do their jobs.
A side effect to the riots is, of course, that the pandemic might gain momentum again. Double bad news for the US.

It does of course not help the situation that the president needed someone telling him that he should condemn the killing of Floyd (but at least he did condemn it). I would assume many black Americans feel that he's on the racists' side.
I just read that a Swedish journalist and a Norwegian press photographer were fired at with rubber bullets while covering the protests. Seems the situation is pretty much out of control.
The President has for years touted the press as the enemies of the people. Seems likely this is connected to his rhetorics. The Swedish journalist claimed the fact that they were press was obvious. It doesn't mean they were targeted per se, but it doesn't seem the police went out of their way to keep the reporters from being collateral damage.
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So America is burning, protests outside the white house, Eugene Oregon and as many mentioned in the twin cities. Wonder how many more cities will follow suit
I don't actually remember Anonymous ever doing anything beyond posting dramatic YouTube videos and occasionally hacking a website without any real consequences.
The President has for years touted the press as the enemies of the people.
Selected press. He was okay with the echo chamber ones because they're telling the truth apparently.

A problem with Anonymous is that anyone can claim to be part of it. My old newspaper's website got hacked - I'm still annoyed because fake articles with racist overtones were put online, attributed to myself and a colleague, and the company completely failed to take them down quickly/lost interest in trying - and these articles were considered the work of Anonymous, but I have my doubts. It looked like a bunch of eedjits messing around.
Yeah, not worried about Anonymous impacting this. Do you think anyone actually cares about the MPD website?