USA Politics

What about Union Jack?. Racist Imperialist scum?.;)
If you want to be pedantic, every nation's flag is supported by folks who are indeed racist, fascist, or some other form of "-ist" along with many folks are absolutely are not. Where the confederate flag differs is in its specificity. It is a flag by a group of states who are literally saying "we're making our own country so we can keep slaves". It's not really comparable. And the Dimebag picture? What is that supposed to even mean? I grew up with Dukes of Hazzard and I live in the South East United States. I grew up around the confederate flag and among many folks who either wave the flag or see no issue with it. All it took was for me to glance at a history book and see what the flag really was. Germany has a Swaztika. The US has the confederate flag. It belongs in a museum, but not on a flag pole.
Heritage is important. I've hears some "ilustrated" imbecile label Union Jack as "imperialist racist flag as well.
Who is ignorant?. I've been called "nazi"once by a stupid 21 yo pseudo-stalinist "genious". Retards. My Grand was at the WW2 fuckin combat against nazis. Speak the truth or shut tfu. IGNORANTS.
We weren't talking about the Union Jack. Notice how the troll changes the subject to one where they have a "better" stance. Nobody here is saying anything about the Union Jack. We're talking about the Confederate flag, and its direct history to a nation whose sole purpose for existence is to enslave millions of people based on the colour of their skin.
We weren't talking about the Union Jack. Notice how the troll changes the subject to one where they have a "better" stance. Nobody here is saying anything about the Union Jack. We're talking about the Confederate flag, and its direct history to a nation whose sole purpose for existence is to enslave millions of people based on the colour of their skin.
Sorry but it is not that easy. And it is the same speech ive heard on Union jack by a pakistani. "My ancestors were enslaved under your flag blah blah...". I don't owe you nothing at all dude.Walk on.
That still has little if anything to do with the confederate flag or US politics. Nor are the two situations remotely comparable.
It's from the standard right-wing troll playbook. If you can't win on the merits of the argument in question, change the subject. Keep changing the subject until it sticks. Insist it's OK to change the subject, rather than engage on the merits.


I didn't watch the debate, but I did read the reactions. Biden had a few "out-of-touch" moments, like the black senator nonsense. Also, once he was talking about ending domestic violence, and said "we just gotta keep punching and punching and punching at it".
This troll has made it obvious that directly responding to people’s arguments isn’t his style
Not troll.Critter.Mr.Critter for you. Mosh.
What's your point?. Does the confederate flag convert anyone a racist?. It is pathetic and innacurate to say it was only to preserve slavery. Don't talk so easy and bad on what you disagree.
It's from the standard right-wing troll playbook. If you can't win on the merits of the argument in question, change the subject. Keep changing the subject until it sticks. Insist it's OK to change the subject, rather than engage on the merits.


I didn't watch the debate, but I did read the reactions. Biden had a few "out-of-touch" moments, like the black senator nonsense. Also, once he was talking about ending domestic violence, and said "we just gotta keep punching and punching and punching at it".
Right wing??. Buffalo wings much better dude.:cool::cheers:
Political correctness,demagogy,yellow press and propaganda in one side. But Some still seeking for the truth and justice. Mending doesn't mean that. Like it or not we got a constitution
Laws for everyone.Right?. Change the wrong ones on the right way.
Political correctness,demagogy,yellow press and propaganda in one side. But Some still seeking for the truth and justice. Mending doesn't mean that. Like it or not we got a constitution
Laws for everyone.Right?. Change the wrong ones on the right way.

That's the thing, the constitution wasn't for everyone. We wouldn't have amendments otherwise, Jackson wouldn't have expanded voting to all white men, women wouldn't have had to fight for the right to vote, African Americans wouldn't have had to fight for freedom and later civil rights. And after all that progress for some people, others still live segregated in reservations they were forced into... So much for freedom and equality for all
True. The problem is the voice who slightly whispers,the wind through the trees. Read between the lines. We don't live in a perfect world. Society is not perfect. Justice is relative. Money talks.
I was left apart. I lived in a car. I was put in jail for no reason,and got no money to defend myself. I just don't agree with people who think they deserve everything without any effort because their ancestors struggle.Justice doesn't mean ban an repair.
I don't owe anything to anyone.
So the Democratic race has gotten stupider again with both Deval Patrick (former Governor of Massachusetts) and Michael Bloomberg (multi-billionaire 3 term mayor of New York City) jumping in at a late stage. It's unknown if either of them will make a splash at all in the race. The upper tier of candidates remain Biden, Buttigieg, Sanders, and Warren (in alphabetical order). The middle tier is currently Booker, Castro, Harris, Klobuchar, Steyer, and Yang. The "what are you still doing running for president" tier is Bennet, Bullock, Delaney, Gabbard, Sestak, and Williamson.

I think both will end up in the middle tier to start, grabbing 2-3 points each in upcoming polls. It doesn't feel like either man has a logical path to the nomination, but a lot of that will depend on what happens after Iowa starts winnowing the field. Those 1-2 points grabbed by the middle and lower tiers each don't seem like a lot, but if they all tilt in one or two directions...well, it could become a dog fight real quick.
So today, Trump declares he is responsible for Hong Kong not being obliterated by Xi Jinping's forces.

My dear Americans. In all your discussions about Dem candidates, impeachment, confederate flags and what not. Don't forget this. Your current commander-in-chief is a fucking looney.