USA Politics

Biden looked less sleepy than in the last couple of debates, but he still came off as really scattered.
The BBC put together a compilation of each candidates highlights:

The "record player" nonsense from Joe Biden is super awkward. What the hell was he even talking about? Trump will be laughing all the way to a second term and beyond if Biden gets the Democrat's nomination.
It was a very Trumpian answer in its confusion.

I haven’t watched the debate cause I’ve been preoccupied with Maiden but I have read some post debate recaps and will watch it when I have the time. But Biden is increasingly starting to become a party liability and I really don’t see why the establishment doesn’t get behind Warren, Pete, or Harris instead. Any of these candidates would wipe the floor with Trump and don’t carry nearly as much baggage. Biden is the only one I’d worry about actually losing to Trump.
Also, why the hell is Jorge Ramos a moderator at so many debates? The guy is horribly biased and flagrantly non-journalistic, and constantly asks candidates leading questions about how many people they’ll stop deporting and what immigration violations they’ll rush to decriminalize first. It’s outrageous, and it doesn’t do the party any favors, other than facilitating blatant pandering to the Latino community.
Literally every review I've read said Ramos was the best moderator yet.
Then I would like to know what those reviewers are smoking.
I didn't watch the debate so I can't really comment on if he was good or not. I'm probably not paying that much attention to the US election until my own is done.
So it took almost a week but I managed to watch the debate. First of all, way better than the previous debates and it was nice not having the dead weight of low pollers. Still a crowded stage but everyone had something to contribute. The overall quality went up big time. Moderation was also better than CNN.

Biden - much better night than he’s had before but still some moments that make you question whether he’s up to the job, especially his answer on schools. I wouldn’t be surprised if this debate helped his standing though.

Warren - Clearly the best candidate. She never goes after other individuals and is focused on winning the battle of ideas. This is a stark contrast to non front runners who are desperate for headlines to maybe have a long shot victory. The meme is that she has a plan for everything and it’s true. No explosive viral moments, but a steady beat of showcasing her policy, her credentials, and her qualifications. No wonder she’s been climbing in the polls.

Bernie - He had a decent night. Really his biggest problem is that the ideas he had that were radical in 2016 are mainstream now so it’s hard to set him apart from the crowd. The things that do set him apart are disadvantages: he’s very old, he’s in some ways a party outsider who would struggle to navigate congress. His stump speeches are what you expect and he’s failed to give it a fresh spin that other candidates have. 2016 was his year and I struggle to see how he’s the best choice in 2020.

Harris - it’s so obvious that her dip in the polls affected her debate style. Lots of desperate attempts at clever one liners and she spent a ton of time thrashing trump. I don’t think it worked. Everything felt forced and I didn’t feel the same excitement from her that I’ve gotten in the past. I still consider her a very strong candidate with charisma and great speaking style, but I see a campaign that’s about to enter a death spiral.

Mayor Pete - Great performance, better than his first two. He’s one of those candidates who, in another election year, would be the obvious front runner. This will definitely not be the last time we hear from him.

Beto - better performance than before, the El Paso shooting almost seems to have rejuvenated his campaign by reminding him why he is interested in being a public servant in the first place. He’s clearly passionate about the issue and he came off more genuine than in the past. That being said, taking away the guns (as much as most democrats probably agree with him) makes him unelectable. It doesn’t matter here because he was never going to win the nomination anyway, but he’s also now a non starter for any Texas election in the near future.

Booker - Another great candidate who is just disadvantaged by a crowded field. Not much else to say that I haven’t already in the past. Didn’t like him prior to the election but I have a lot more respect for him now. Very rare for an election to do that.

Klobuchar - same as Booker. She’d be a great choice and she’s the only moderate who manages to do it without antagonizing the progressives. She’d be an effective leader.

Castro - meh. Obvious low poller trying to have a moment by going after Biden, looks like a small jerk in the process. Bad move.

Yang - I like this guy more and more every time I hear him speak. I’m glad he’s still in it if just to get his ideas out there. Despite being an outsider, he’s more presidential than more than half the field. The other candidates obviously don’t respect him or take him seriously though, so I doubt he’ll have that much of a significant impact on the party platform.

Btw, if I have to hear “let me be clear” one more time....
I didn't watch the debate so I can't really comment on if he was good or not. I'm probably not paying that much attention to the US election until my own is done.

This one? :help2:
Well he has to go. I’m curious about how this will work out politically, knowing nothing about Canadian government or elections.
If photos of Donald Trump in blackface emerged there would be mass uproar with establishment Republicans disowning him, junior Democrats calling for impeachment and Liberal media interviewing multiple outraged people of various walks of life.

However, his standing in the Polls would barely change and after about ten days the furore would die down as he lurches into another scandal.
It should be a political killer. I know conservatives wouldn’t disown trump over it, but everyone else should hold their politicians to a higher standard.
Why he has to go, I do not understand this. If people from USA and some European countries made blackfaces because they were racists, what the fuck has that got do to with me, you, or Trudeau? What if your kid likes Blade and wants to look like Wesley Snipes in Blade? He's gonna be a white Blade?

That means if the kid wants to dress up/make up like a hero of his, that hero better be of his own "race" or else the kid will get some botched PC ass version of the look. Ain't that conveniently racist.
It should be a political killer. I know conservatives wouldn’t disown trump over it, but everyone else should hold their politicians to a higher standard.

An accurate description of American politics over the last four years.
He certainly won’t be removed from office, but if Pelosi is willing to start an impeachment process now it will probably pass the house (which is all they can hope for).
WaPo is now reporting that Pelosi is about to announce an impeachment inquiry.

The timing on this is going to be interesting. The process of Clinton's impeachment started in October with the culminating vote happening in February. The major difference is that the Clinton impeachment started a month before a midterm election (which ended up backfiring on Republicans) and a Trump impeachment, assuming similar timeline, would end around the time of the first primary caucuses. So the gamble is going to be that impeachment will not only hurt Trump in the general, but also won't hurt Democrats in congress. Considering how slow she was to get to this point, I'm guessing the general calculation from the Pelosi camp is that it will be politically beneficial.

The best thing to do is to go into the impeachment being very candid about the fact that nobody expects Trump to be removed from office. Democrats can control the messaging by saying that McConnell is protecting the president from accountability for his crimes and that voters need to make their voice heard at the ballot box both by voting against Trump and voting for a senator that won't serve as protection for a mob boss president. To that end, they can actually use this to boost their senate chances because Corey Gardner, Susan Collins, and other possibly vulnerable republican senators may be forced to take tough votes on impeachment. I believe McConnell has no choice but to put impeachment up for a vote, but if he were able to get out of that he would also deprive Trump of the ability to say that he was vindicated.
I tend to think going forward with impeachment with anything but the clearest of cases will backfire .. especially given we are about a year away from the election. Also, there are some Dems in red states (both in the House and the Senate) that will not vote for it. I do not think they even have 2/3rds of their own caucus in favor of this, much less many Republicans.