[..] Trump and rather Trump than Clinton supporters [..]
I’m a libertarian. I don’t recall ever being vocal in my support for Trump.Collin, Cornfed, Bearfan, Travis come to mind. And someone called AlexS, I think.
Collin, Cornfed, Bearfan, Travis come to mind. And someone called AlexS, I think.
I think the left has less room for error than the right in all countries where conservative-leaning voters make up for as least half of the voter base, not just in the States. Mistakes and weaknesses of left wing politicians are always more magnified than right wing ones.
I'd hypothesize that this is an inherent burden of progressive politics. To put it simply, it's a "If you're going to change things, make sure you get it right, or else leave us in our comfort zone" sentiment.
Democrats struggle to find a single issue to hammer Trump on. Instead they go after many different scandals and lines of attack, creating outrage fatigue in the process. The right tried the same thing with Obama and it didn’t work. Focusing on a couple issues with Hillary did work. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot to criticize Trump for. But to be really effective I think they need to focus 1 or 2 of his biggest flaws and double down on that.
Another part of it is that Republicans are better at messaging than Democrats. I’d wager most people don’t really understand the email scandal, but the right managed to simplify the issue and make it a constant line of attack. Democrats struggle to find a single issue to hammer Trump on. Instead they go after many different scandals and lines of attack, creating outrage fatigue in the process. The right tried the same thing with Obama and it didn’t work. Focusing on a couple issues with Hillary did work. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot to criticize Trump for. But to be really effective I think they need to focus 1 or 2 of his biggest flaws and double down on that.
It helps that the GOP has a corporate news ally in Fox News that pretty much trumpets their views and gives prime time hours to people like Hannity and Laura Ingraham, who are nothing but dishonest shills for the GOP.Another part of it is that Republicans are better at messaging than Democrats. I’d wager most people don’t really understand the email scandal, but the right managed to simplify the issue and make it a constant line of attack. Democrats struggle to find a single issue to hammer Trump on. Instead they go after many different scandals and lines of attack, creating outrage fatigue in the process. The right tried the same thing with Obama and it didn’t work. Focusing on a couple issues with Hillary did work. Don’t get me wrong, there’s a lot to criticize Trump for. But to be really effective I think they need to focus 1 or 2 of his biggest flaws and double down on that.
I disagree, Per. Whataboutism only works with corporate Democrats. Trumpeters couldn't play that card with Bernie Sanders, calling him a commie was their only strategy against him.
That's a pretty strong strategy, though. They just need to pull Venezuela or North Korea out of the hat and say, "this is what Bernie wants for us!"
Don't think it's too strong of a strategy. It only convinces the people who already are convinced that Bernie is a commie.
A lot of workers went to Trump in the recent election because they bought his populist rhetoric targeted at trade deals, and bringing jobs back. They've been disappointed. Sanders' platform could absolutely attract those people.