USA Politics

Yes. She is also an ethnic minority.

The first female president being a republican is not a stretch, especially if the next democratic president is male.
Most Republicans don't think they discriminate against women. Sure, there's some out there who are openly misogynist, but most of them don't think they do. I firmly believe that there are more than enough strong female Republicans out there that one could easily be elected president. Nikki Haley is probably top of that list right now. She's a skilled politician with a spotless track record (if you're a GOP-leaning person). I might not agree with her policies, but I respect her as a politician.
American conservatives are usually more to the right than British conservatives are, but if Margaret Thatcher was able to become such an icon for conservatives, then surely a female Republican could be a president in the US.
Thats similar to my line of thinking. Thatcher is also popular among American conservatives. A candidate modeled after her could be very popular.
So many comments questioning the authenticity of that news. Even the most obvious satirical/sarcastic/ironic remark is taken literally by some. Makes me want to weep.
This one is so outrageous though. I think you genuinely have to be mentally deficient to not realize it's satire.
He's a very critically acclaimed artist. Considered a pioneer in hiphop. Has a bit of a "mad genius" reputation.
My old neighbours, who were arrogant, obnoxious, and fancied themelves as a lot trendier and tougher than they actually were, liked him a lot. Read into that what you will.