Deleted member 7164
That sounds fishy.
Is Croatia not on the visa waiver program?Now for a more positive note, direct flights between US and Cro are being reopened after 28 years! Sweet. Now if they only ditched the visa thing...
A Bosnian is basically a Croat who uses Turkish loanwords. And a Croat is a Serb without neurosis.
And a Croat is a Serb without neurosis.
We are all Montenegrins. Especially Night Prowler.
If there's one thing I learned in Europe, it's that Europeans take their little cultural distinctions very very seriously.
A Bosnian is basically a Croat who uses Turkish loanwords. And a Croat is a Serb without neurosis.
Malo nešto razumem, druže Zare, hvala ti! Kdo so Katolibani btw?
Tho this is Istrian variant, again significantly different from central Dalmatian one.
If you can understand a bit of Serbian/Croatian, here's a side by side lyrics of a modern Dalmatian chanson - http://www.almissa.com/dalmatinopoviscupritrujena.htm . Also the song is a proper masterpiece but as any chansone if you don't understand the lyrics it's a bit pointless.
This is offtopic, maybe moveable to language topic?
John McCain Will No Longer Be Treated for Brain Cancer, Family SaysJohn McCain (R-AZ) will somehow survive brain cancer long enough to be wheeled into the Senate to cast the final vote to impeach Donald Trump, watch his removal from office, then die with a smile on his face. Because that's the kind of guy John McCain is.
Soldiers don't get to decide where they're sent. They're given orders and they follow them. When those orders wind up getting them captured and tortured as a prisoner of war, and left with permanent physical limitations as a result, people generally view that suffering and service as heroic.I don't understand why this person is a "war hero". You go to other part of the globe to wage war on someone who did you no harm and bomb them from the air. You get shot down they capture you, and you're now a war hero.