USA Politics

I wish it would go away .. but I guess these people have a right to their opinion and people have the right to be moronic enough to listen to them

As I said though, celebrities stating their political positions and endorsing people is totally fine, it's the fact that they're setting a stage for that type of BS that irks me.

Don't see how this is relevant.
I think it's more patriotic to recognize the flaws and strive to fix them.
Muricans of Maidenfans: Best of luck with the election and the coming 4 years. No matter which of the two wins, it seems the US will get a president who is genuinely disliked by a majority; not only those who vote for the losing candidate, but many of those who decide not to vote. Even some of those who will vote for the winner, will do so because they like the other candidate even less.

I hope this entire campaign serves as a wake-up call to the political establishment: not only do they have to listen to the people, they also need to make it obvious to the people that they are. If not, maybe there will be another outsider candidate like Trump in four years.

I also wonder - if the GOP keep the majority in the Senate but Clinton becomes president, will we see more years of stalemate, with Congress and President working against each other like what we see today?
I know this will be quite irrelevant as it's election day, but didn't know where else to put it.

Lena Dunham, the SJW goddess and leading "feminist" voice, posted something on Twitter where she asks her father "What do you think about the extinction of white men?" and he responds with "White men are a problem, straight white men are a big problem.". She captioned it with "It's the evolution of men into better men".

Can you imagine the shitstorm this would cause among the same cycle of people Dunham represents if this was talking about any other race or sexual orientation? This is insanity. SJWs have become as racist, sexist and hateful as people they claim to fight against. Very concerning. Left is heading towards this insane guilt trip that's leading to racism, sexism and blockage of free speech, right is heading towards the alt-right agenda that pushes stereotypes that lead to racism, sexism and overall hatefulness.
Lena Dunham, the SJW goddess and leading "feminist" voice, posted something on Twitter where she asks her father "What do you think about the extinction of white men?" and he responds with "White men are a problem, straight white men are a big problem.". She captioned it with "It's the evolution of men into better men"
:facepalm: Bloody hell. So white men are bad, period. What are these people taking?
I talked with a colleague about the US election today, and in the same conversation we touched the topic of reading public commentary sections under news articles. We concluded that when we watch these things, it's because of that same basic instinct that causes you to stop and watch when you see two trains bound for a head-on collision, or a drunken man walking on ice ... or a tiny fellow trying to start trouble with a much bigger guy.
My former biology teacher announced that she's voting for trump. Pretty disappointing
All Trump facts are true. The guy was a corrupt, power hungry, bigoted douche before he ever ran for presidency.

However, there's some minor details missing in the Hillary part. Like being strongly in favor of the invasion of Iraq, being directly responsible for the invasion of Libya, making fun of the lynching of Qaddafi on the streets, being directly responsible for ISIS through feeding the rebels in Syria with arms, trying to cover up the deleted e-mails, trying to cover up what happened in Benghazi and pass it off as a minor event, calling young black men superpredators, receiving massive donations from Saudi Arabia and Qatar governments.