Libera et impera!
For your big business argument, them getting massive tax favors and just flat out cash from government .. party in power really does not matter ... does not help any of that at all. Add to that, some of those high risk investments are prodded by government ... see FNMA ... essentially a government agency massively lowering requirements for loans and pushing home equity loans with the goal of increasing home ownership in the country.
Minus that pressure and had they kept their requirements to purchase loans where they were prior to the mid-late 90s the amount of bad loans made would have been minimal .. for the fact lenders would not have been able to bundle them up and sell them upstream
We are about (within the next 5 years) to see the same thing in the health insurance markets.
I'll be honest, economics isn't my area of expertise, especially not American economics. But I'll do my best.
From what you're describing, it sounds that the government was more negligent than bearing the burden of responsibility here. Which is not to say the government shouldn't be criticised for their role in creating this environment for the financial crisis to occur in the first place, but they're definitely not the primary suspect.
Why should we now allow these investments to go unregulated now in our still recovering economic state? If it isn't the government maintaining responsibility, then who's responsibility is it?
For government size, they have proposed cutting 20% .. realistically that is not going to pass Congress ... I think though they can at least keep it from getting worse and maybe a tiny decline. Hillary promised everything to everyone and Trump is pretty much doing the same ... I think the choice there is pretty much status quo to minimally better versus a decent expansion and more layers of crap
Depends on what the expansions are. If the expansions are worthwhile, then go for it. If not, don't add them. I don't think it would be wise to ignore necessary bureaucracy just because it's another layer and people find it annoying.
Interventionism, is one are I disagree with the Libertarian Party to a degree, I think the US needs to be involved in the world, but smartly. In one case here I actually do agree with Trump, we need to rethink NATO ... it should still exist, but it's original purpose is gone and adjustments need to be made and add to that, some countries are not keeping up their contribution levels.
Don't know what you mean by the original purpose being "gone", but I definitely agree that some countries are not keeping up their contribution levels.