USA Politics

Either outcome of this election makes me want to join LC in Canada.

South Park pretty much nailed this on a few years ago

Clinton's flawed for sure, and definitely a step down from Obama (like I've said, people are going to miss him when he's gone), but when you compare her to the extremes of Cruz and Trump, she's by far the lesser of two evils. I'd still support Clinton over Rubio because of my disdain for the Republicans, but Rubio has by far the best chance of appealing to the largest group: moderates. Not as much as Hillary probably, but much more than Cruz and Trump.
I think it will be Trump vs. Clinton for the presidency.

Also, I guess this is the proper place to bring this up. Do you think the the threat of North Korea getting ready for nuclear war and saying nukes need to be readied and such is something to be overly concerned about?
Was it last year? Or the year before that?

Or the year before that?
As if you'd ever turn down the opportunity to build a fallout shelter. :p
I'm not from the US, so maybe i'm asking a stupid question (we do have news about US primaries here, but it's just vague. If we want an analysis, we need to go to a US News website), but...i know that there are only a few GOP supporters here (most of the forum lean towards the left, as i saw), but, if there's one, please answer this: WHY. THE. HELL. IS. DONALD. TRUMP. GOING. TO. BE. A. CANDIDATE? Seriously, who actually thinks that Trump can win a presidential race? Unless we get only the crazier news and the "moderate" Trump is shown only to the americans, this guy wouldn't be elected to a City Hall here in Brazil (and we are used to elect crazy people. A TV Clown is currently a congressman...and one of the best).

As far as i can see from the news here, Rubio would have a real shot against Hillary. Even ultraconservative Cruz would. But no, they'll send to the race the one guy that'll sink the party's name even deeper. It's like GOP wants to lose.

P.S.: Their last debate were on the same level as ours. But we talk more about "You stole the country!" vs "You stole it before" than "My dick is bigger than yours" and "You're flexible, indeed"
3/4 polls show Trump up by 20+ points in Michigan. The fourth poll shows Kasich up by 12. That's an outlier, but Kasich could do OK in Michigan.

Also voting on Tuesday for the GOP: Idaho (likely Cruz) Hawaii and Mississippi (likely Trump).
2 possibilities to beat Trump now.

1) Another candidate .. at this point it would have to be Cruz based on the delegate count he has now .. catches fire and wins some of the winner take all states coming up. He did really well Saturday, even the states he lose, he did not loose by much and essentially split those delegates with Trump.
2) Trump gets the most delegates, but not enough to win the nomination and the 2nd and 3rd place finishers (at this point Cruz and Rubio) strike some kind of deal to combine delegates and one of them wins.
Kasich would make a much more moderate candidate. Paul, even Rubio would. All of those would be almost favourites to beat Hillary. I sincerely don't understand what's going on in the GOP (evne Romney is vociferous against Trump). But, then again, i'm not in the US, so maybe things are more explainable there
I can't see it being 1). Trump has some yuuuuuuuuge wins ahead of him (namely Florida, New York, and California) where Teddy can't compete. His remaining likely states are much smaller than Trump's remaining states.

Cruz did have a great weekend, mind you. Trump is likely going to have a better Tuesday.
I can't see it being 1). Trump has some yuuuuuuuuge wins ahead of him (namely Florida, New York, and California) where Teddy can't compete. His remaining likely states are much smaller than Trump's remaining states.

Cruz did have a great weekend, mind you. Trump is likely going to have a better Tuesday.

That is where #2 would come in play .. for example if someone besides Trump .. anyone won at least one of those 3. I was a bit surprised, Cruz ran pretty much neck and neck in KY and LA ... he might do better in Mississippi than expected. I do not think he will win, but he might make it close
That is where #2 would come in play .. for example if someone besides Trump .. anyone won at least one of those 3.
Florida is the first one up, next Tuesday. Ohio on the weekend too...Trump was polling well there. If he continues to do well, he will get closer. Especially since Florida is winner take all.
Florida is the first one up, next Tuesday. Ohio on the weekend too...Trump was polling well there. If he continues to do well, he will get closer. Especially since Florida is winner take all.

Florida is do or die for Rubio .. if he does not win there, he needs to drop out. Same for Kasich with both Michigan and Ohio
I think it will be Trump vs. Clinton for the presidency.

Also, I guess this is the proper place to bring this up. Do you think the the threat of North Korea getting ready for nuclear war and saying nukes need to be readied and such is something to be overly concerned about?

It's a deterrent from their point of view. Throwing few ICMBs of comparatively low production quality, onto American soil equals a Katrina-level catastrophe for U.S. and complete Armageddon to whoever did it. So they're not doing it, simple as that.

But it also ensures that everybody's going to think twice about starting a war with them.

What you need to be, hypothetically, worried about is amount of money wasted on impotent anti-ballistic missile programs that won't quite work in a MAD against Russia.
I'm saying hypothetically because after all, it won't happen. But don't mind me, have fun with doomsday prepping :D