@LooseCannon This is dangerous, not just to the US as for the rest of the world. No one wants a far-right or a far-left on the power in the country with the most powerful military. I heard of the Tea Party here as well, but the news just show them as a small bunch of "crazy and extreme far-right elements", like the protestants here. I always thought that they weren't so powerful, they were just an annoying small group (pretty much like our 4 communist parties here in Brazil. Small, powerless, annoying and ocasionaly fun).
And i also didn't knew that Obama were saw so badly by some elements of the US society. I know that a lot of people were pissed off with Obamacare (it ignited a fierce argument here also, comparing with our own public universal healthcare), and there is a "famous" extreme conservative here in Brazil that loves to refer to him as Hussein Obama, but i always thought that the GOP didn't hated him, just wanted to change government because...well, they're the opposition.
Americans always seemed so proud of their valours, freedom, justice (at least that's the image we get here, a patriotism derivated of those valours), are there really some elements willingly to drop those valours in the name of a wall and a nuke in Damascus?
P.S.: Although i'm loving how the democrats aren't pushing the FED on the raise of the interest rate, because, when the FED does that, our economy will implode (in a society polarized as i never saw before. There are even expectations of a conflict this sunday in São Paulo, since there'll be both pro and anti-government rallies)