USA Politics

.. or here is the last time a conservative went against a lefty. It would be hard to name more than a few moderate Dems in the House, the blue dogs are pretty much extinct

I would add too, that Trump is not really that conservative. People zero in on foreign policy, but he is a traditional/Rockefeller style Republican when it comes to domestic issues, though that does not get much press
@LooseCannon This is dangerous, not just to the US as for the rest of the world. No one wants a far-right or a far-left on the power in the country with the most powerful military. I heard of the Tea Party here as well, but the news just show them as a small bunch of "crazy and extreme far-right elements", like the protestants here. I always thought that they weren't so powerful, they were just an annoying small group (pretty much like our 4 communist parties here in Brazil. Small, powerless, annoying and ocasionaly fun).

And i also didn't knew that Obama were saw so badly by some elements of the US society. I know that a lot of people were pissed off with Obamacare (it ignited a fierce argument here also, comparing with our own public universal healthcare), and there is a "famous" extreme conservative here in Brazil that loves to refer to him as Hussein Obama, but i always thought that the GOP didn't hated him, just wanted to change government because...well, they're the opposition.

Americans always seemed so proud of their valours, freedom, justice (at least that's the image we get here, a patriotism derivated of those valours), are there really some elements willingly to drop those valours in the name of a wall and a nuke in Damascus?

P.S.: Although i'm loving how the democrats aren't pushing the FED on the raise of the interest rate, because, when the FED does that, our economy will implode (in a society polarized as i never saw before. There are even expectations of a conflict this sunday in São Paulo, since there'll be both pro and anti-government rallies)
Big night for Trump: 3/4, and a net gain of appx 20 delegates over Mr Cruz, both in "momentum" and delegates erases his loss on the weekend.

Trump is currently polling well ahead in both Ohio and Florida, which go next week on Tuesday. The real danger is that the winner-take-all states start then...

Bernie got a narrow win in Michigan but Hillary got more delegates due to her overwhelming victory in Mississippi.
What am I reading here?

That people were offended at other people wearing sombreros to a college party. The school suspended some of those involved in the party and is providing safe spaces and counselling to those who had to witness the horror of seeing white people wear sombreros while drinking tequila
That people were offended at other people wearing sombreros to a college party. The school suspended some of those involved in the party and is providing safe spaces and counselling to those who had to witness the horror of seeing white people wear sombreros while drinking tequila

El mundo esta loco.
Blackface is one thing. But that was ridiculous. Now, if they were hosting a "Mexicans are nothing but tequila drunks" party then I would understand.
Nothing, basically.
Red and blue clubs are two sides of the same coin. Trump is seen as an alternative to 'establishment' or whatever.

My city elected a mayor 5 or 6 years ago who is, in essence, a localized version of Trump. A big bussinessman with big bussiness outlook on the economy, closer to one of two established options (conservative one from the spectrum, just like real Trump), but with an 'indepedent' feel.

That didn't go too well, as you might imagine...

The next elections were won by a guy who would be a Dem in U.S. context. He's a piece of S like any other, but people know that pattern and all the political shenangians they can expect, while this "Trump" was a brute and didn't play politics the usual way.
I firmly believe politicians can do good things. There's a handful of good politicians throughout history who made great changes in their society with little cost to their people, or at least, little cost in terms of freedom (treasure may be an entirely different thing).

Most politicians, however, won't do good things, due to ineptitude, malice, stupidity, corruption, or lack of desire. The difference between politicians and kings is that we can keep cycling through politicians until we get good ones, then we can hang on for dear life.
I firmly believe politicians can do good things

It's an exception when politicians are doing good things for the sake of good things. Usually there's some interest to be served and good things are just a byproduct. Example - a town allocates new parking space and that's a good thing, but behind the scenes someone is laundering money through parking operator concession.

I don't believe politicians became politicians because they wanted to do.
It's also one of many views that I share with libertarians. I believe that I could do more for my community if politics were out of my way, because I know what dirty business politics are and I would be doing shit there about my hypothetical project, spending >90% time on politics itself. That's why people who want to do, don't became politicians in vast majority of cases.

It's same thing with majority of cops. Find person that's smart, fair, intelligent (especially socially!), and honest to the bone, that person won't dream of becoming a cop.

System is corrupt. Good people with brains are observing it, and they wont be a part of it. Until we attack the problem at it's root, it won't be solved. Ever. This isn't as hard as it seems. First step would be to have these groups actually obide the laws, like the rest of us mortals do.
Please don't generalise. Not every country, every community is this corrupt. Some municipalities allocate new parking spaces indeed for the sake of having new parking spaces. Many democratic countries have measures taken to guarantee transparency and have their meetings public. Granted, you hardly ever see the mayors or board members of small villages rise to any higher ranks, but these people are in it for the sake of serving their community.
Please don't generalise. Not every country, every community is this corrupt. Some municipalities allocate new parking spaces indeed for the sake of having new parking spaces. Many democratic countries have measures taken to guarantee transparency and have their meetings public. Granted, you hardly ever see the mayors or board members of small villages rise to any higher ranks, but these people are in it for the sake of serving their community.

Even in Chicago?
If I generalized I would say all, but I said most, and when I said most I meant a fucking large majority, like 90%.
Every country is corrupt if it's a real country, meaning not a small remote community with nation status. Either they're systematically corrupt like most countries, or they turn a blind eye to corruption and injustice when it fits them, which is a best case scenario found in advanced societies worldwide (Swiss, Oman, Singapore, Uruguay...).

For some communities, I agree Perun. But it's because not much money flows there. Start raising the stakes and witness the corruption going up. (edit :) Not saying that good politicians will became corrupt, they won't have a chance of rule once real money starts flowing in.

I won't argue on this any more. I am not in position to back it up here with anything more than conjecture and googled stuff.

What is relevant, and can be empirically proven, is the trend of corruption going up in most of societies worldwide.
Back to college ... a list of demands by various University of Arizona students.

I actually read this entire thing. A few things .. okay. Mostly though, they demonstrate how totally idiotic they are

Especially when you get down to "do not research stuff, because we do not like the results .. and white guys are involved" Fucking idiots

"As per the information regarding research and projects on, BORDERS, comprised mostly of older, white males, must be eliminated. Software that UA BORDERS researchers develop such as ASK and AVATAR are created on the basis that immigrants are deceptive which adds to the criminalization of immigrants at the US/Mexico Border"

.. and of course after saying how great diversity is, you get

"African American Student Affairs return as the only occupants of the Martin Luther King Jr. Building starting no later than Fall 2017"