USA Politics

It's illegal to transfer them to US soil because you made it illegal to do so. Guantanamo apparently breaks no US or international laws because it's conveniently placed so that none apply; or so your government claims. Your country has tortured people in your name. And you're okay with this? It's a disgrace that it's still open. And it's a disgrace that you can't see that it's a disgrace.
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Keeping them in Gitmo violates the spirit of the Geneva Convention. Obama isn't breaking the law, Travis, and don't be so obtuse. He is asking Congress to change the law to allow him to bring terrorists to US prisons.
Speaking of Gitmo, the concept is the same as Nazi camps outside 'proper Germany'. Only the numbers and level of brutality differ.
Keeping them in Gitmo violates the spirit of the Geneva Convention. Obama isn't breaking the law, Travis, and don't be so obtuse. He is asking Congress to change the law to allow him to bring terrorists to US prisons.

He really is not doing that ... the law (as it stands now), let's him request it in detail (moving them to a possible 47 locations -- or however many) really does not cover detail.
Speaking of politics...has Trump sewn up the nomination? Lots of people are suggesting he has.

I think it's leaning towards Trump, but it depends on how hard Rubio and Cruz fight. If they fight hard, violently hard, they could amass enough delegates to stop Trump from winning the nomination on the first ballot. And then the shit show would begin.
Trump is the clear favorite .. only way he is not at this point is of one (and only one) of Rubio/Cruz win some Super Tuesday states and gets it to a 2 person race. Kasich and Carson have zero shot
I feel bad for the Republican Party. If Trump wins the nomination, there is going to be a lot of soul-searching.
Well, now that I know the alternative which I like, that's fine by me. Yes, we do need to get those prisoners out of the torture they're going through, but it should be done legally.

Oh, I'd give some other opinions on politics and the upcoming change in president we're going to have, but I know conspiracy stuff about the Illuminati is frowned upon here so I definitely won't bring any of that up.
Oh, I'd give some other opinions on politics and the upcoming change in president we're going to have, but I know conspiracy stuff about the Illuminati is frowned upon here so I definitely won't bring any of that up.

No, no, bring it up. We've gotten much more relaxed about this. Everybody should hear all sides of the story to be able to form an informed opinion.
If anything, I'm glad if Trump wins the Republican nomination. There is no chance in hell he'll be elected President, and the Republican party is still effectively holding back the social progression of the American people in many ways. Not that the Democrats are perfect either, but they easily hold the central balance of power at the moment, which was essential to Obama's pair of victories in 2008 and 2012, and are actively trying to achieve social progress within the country. Speaking of which, I also sincerely believe Obama is going to be missed when he's gone, no matter who wins this election.
If anything, I'm glad if Trump wins the Republican nomination. There is no chance in hell he'll be elected President,
Wouldn't be too sure of that.
and the Republican party is still effectively holding back the social progression of the American people in many ways.
Absolutely. But many Americans are ignorant about this. The lies on TV are easily believed.
I think you're giving the culture Trump appeals to too much credit (and to be fair, a lot of liberals are terrified of the prospect of Trump winning, instead of looking it at a realistic point of view). Anyone remotely on the left-wing is going to vote Democrat, provided they don't throw their vote away towards an independent, the centre also is easily in the Democrats control, and more than a few of the right feel Trump is far too much of a loose cannon (no, not our LC :P). Trump's primary voting base consists of diehard Republican supporters and people who want more actions than words, for better or worse. He'll win the Republican states like every other Republican candidates, but make a lot of losses in other areas.

I'm also in the belief that Trump is going to step over the line, and self-destruct with his outspoken campaign. It's very much a high-risk, high reward strategy he's employing right now, and I guarantee you this isn't the end of Trump's controversy.
Define 'social progression' though. Not everyone has the same view on this.

Progression is a broad term, but in my own terms, I define as a desire to make changes where changes are necessary for the better of humanity, instead of clinging onto the past, which is very much what the Republicans of America do. Things like gun control, and equal rights for all regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, disabilities or any other difference are problems that the Republicans have done very little to change in recent years. They treat the constitution as word of law, and highly accurate to this day, when in actuality, I feel the founding fathers of America, should they be in our shoes today, would be more than willing to adapt their policies for the future.
Many Americans are against these measures and values. And even if there are many in favour of such measures and values, then there are powers (lobbies) to keep things the same.

I keep my hopes low and prepare for the worst. The climate has rarely been so good for conservatism and xenophobia.
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No, no, bring it up. We've gotten much more relaxed about this. Everybody should hear all sides of the story to be able to form an informed opinion.

I know conspiracy stuff about the Illuminati is frowned upon here so I definitely won't bring any of that up.
That's because the Illuminati either doesn't exist, or is so successful at its stated goals that it's not worth worrying about.