USA Politics

He made some amazing writings, especially in his early days on the court. Later on, I think he just became a little more ineffective and angry.
Trump and Hillary win SC and Nevada, respectively. Jeb! is out after getting only 2000 more votes than Kasich in SC, after busting out his brother. That's got to be humiliating for the Bush family. Rubio will likely pick up many of Bush's supporters going in to Super Tuesday.
Isn't it against the law to transfer terrorist detainees to American soil?
Yes, though the law as written is very...vague, just like Obama's statement. Besides, it was against the law for them to be taken to Guantanamo too, didn't stop anyone. This isn't really about where to house terrorists - they'd be just as secure inside a prison cell in Charleston or Fort Leavenworth - but it's more about politics. The Democrats want to close Guantanamo because it's seen as a sign of American overextension of power, and it's probably illegal by international law. The Republicans want to keep it open to be seen as tough on terrorism, because if a Republican takes control and they want to do things like torture and execute terrorists without judges stopping them, Guantanamo is a good place to do it (please note that this is exactly what Donald Trump has promised to do - torture, behead, and defile the corpses of terrorist prisoners).

Speaking of Trump, he won Nevada handily last night. Even if Cruz and Rubio were the same person, Marted Crubio, they wouldn't have beat him. Kasich and Carson got less than 8% of the vote combined.
You might consider actually convicting them of something. Perhaps use some of that "evidence" you have on them?

This point is obviously why most people outside the US are critical of the Gitmo prison camp. The detainees have been there for 13-14-15 years now, not being convicted of anything and at the same time not getting status as POWs. And of course, the reported treatment (with torture of various degrees) doesn't serve the US well if they want to be seen as the land of liberty and justice.

Plus, torture is not a good way of getting information. People under torture can confirm something as true despite not knowing shit about it, and I assume just giving the torturist the answer you think he wants - correct or not - is the normal reaction. Thus the torturist only gets confirmed what he wanted to get confirmed, regardless of the actual correctness.

So, the only reason to keep the prisoners there is - as pointed out by @LooseCannon - to be seen as tough on terrorism. But if the inmates are actually guilty of being accomplices to terrorism - why not have them face a court and sentence them to whatever the law commands?
I don't disagree with any of that, there should have been some kind of court proceeding by now ... even a closed proceeding if hiding intelligence is an objective ... a military tribunal at GITMO would seem to fit the bill for all of them ... they have done it with some of them

If they are convicted, I do not give a shit where they keep them .. GITMO, the moon, wherever.
I'm mainly curious ... I hear plenty of people say the facility is illegal, but I have not seen a law that makes it illegal. As I said, I would rather there be trials .. but we are at the point where we have had 2 administrations from 2 parties keep the place open