USA Politics

I am guessing they were looking for symmetry on the cover to show North versus South

In any case, removing these games is idiotic. I'm waiting for book stores to start putting stickers on history books next covering any "bad flags".

It is what happen when people respond to idiotic twitter mobs and knee jerk reactions versus actually thinking things through.
I am an expert on this subject.

The flag often called the Confederate flag today was the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, the primary army of the Confederate States in the Virginia/Maryland/Pennsylvania theatres of war. This army was commanded, famously, by General Robert E. Lee. The flag is the primary flag used for army-level identification for the ANV in the Battle of Gettysburg, and is appropriate in the video game.

The Confederacy used 3 federal flags during their lifetime.
I am an expert on this subject.

The flag often called the Confederate flag today was the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia, the primary army of the Confederate States in the Virginia/Maryland/Pennsylvania theatres of war. This army was commanded, famously, by General Robert E. Lee. The flag is the primary flag used for army-level identification for the ANV in the Battle of Gettysburg, and is appropriate in the video game.

The Confederacy used 3 federal flags during their lifetime.

Thanks ... not really a time in history that has had my interest ... probably because I always know the reconstruction is next and that is boring as hell

In any case though, it is safe to say this flag is the most recognizable one from the Confederacy
In any case though, it is safe to say this flag is the most recognizable one from the Confederacy
Mostly due to the southern reaction to the Civil Rights movement. Until about 1960, the Stars and Bars were far better known among average people, but the Battle Flag started being flown during the 1960s by governments pissed off at integration, to symbolize resistance.

In 1987, Bill Clinton signed Act 116 that stated “The blue star above the word “ARKANSAS” is to commemorate the Confederate States of America.”[5]
I like the Confederate flag, or as LC correctly precised, "Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia". E.g. the design, colors, etc. It's being used here sometimes as a symbol of identity, mostly by football supporters. Red and blue are colours of Dalmatia (flag of former Kingdom of Dalmatia) and white color is visual identity of Hajduk Split (nickname The Whites). And we're "the south" in our local context.

Seems like some U.S. institutions and corporations took an axe approach to this topic. Like Apple pulling everything that has Confederate flag from App Store, Google removing it from it's marketplace.

I don't have a strong opinion on this topic. IMHO Civil War wasn't just about north freedom vs. south slavery. The degree of that depends on whom you ask.

Besides, as far as I know, waving Nazi flag is legal in USA.
Gotta love the reaction of that fellow left from Obama when he suddenly starts singing.

On the flag, Obama gives a good lesson: "It represented more than ancestral pride." (watch on):

And I love Obama for supporting these people so well. Whole eulogy @ Rev. Clementa Pinckney's funeral:
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Yeah, those (I think are the last two) ... I like them both (though my opinion of Christie has slid a bit recently), while Kasich has been a really good governor, I do not see him breaking through unless he can win over the "establishment" voters who are picking Bush by default

The field will thin out pretty quickly I think once the debates start as some of these guys will be without money or support real quick if they cannot crack the debates
Yeah, those (I think are the last two)
Walker has yet to declare.

The field will thin out pretty quickly I think once the debates start as some of these guys will be without money or support real quick if they cannot crack the debates
I'm not sure. A lot of the lower rung candidates have been pushing for quite awhile. With PACs out there, I'm pretty sure we won't see more than 2-3 drop out on the road to Iowa.
Forgot about Walker ... he should declare soon

By thinning out, I meant the ones that are running to win .. not enhance their status on the speaking circuit
Carson is a bit odd, I am not sure what camp he falls into. I disagree with him on stuff, but the guy is not an idiot

I am not really sure what Pataki is trying to do .. if he wanted to run, he is several years too late. He should have jumped in in 2000, he would have been an appealing candidate then. Now, he is a pretty distant memory for most, overshadowed by Rudy when people think of NY Republicans
I tend to think of Trump as more from NJ than NY and not really as a politician either. I really do not get why he is running, despite all his bluster, he is also not an idiot