USA Politics

I do not have a problem taking down the flag from the statehouse ... it probably should have been elsewhere to start.

But, this has escalated pretty quickly into desecrating Confederate graves, graveyards, etc ... not surprising I guess given the nature of the mob mentality .... but, they have a hashtag, so I guess it is cool.
Nobody has to desecrate a grave. But the fanfare around Confederate graves should be removed.

What fanfare, they mostly look like this





It makes sense to remove it from "official" stuff ... like state flags, the state capital, etc.

What I am opposed to is the idiotic twitter mob morons who are going to be so offended anytime they see a confederate anything anywhere. You already have a wave of defacing statues and graves that have anything to do with the confederacy and doing that in the name of tolerance.

I am from Illinois .. Land of Lincoln . The Confederate flag means nothing positive to me, but if some guy wants it on his lawn, whatever ... that is his business and they should be left alone

The area of Obamacare that ended discrimination in selection of clients was not up for striking down. However, as Obamacare is going to save money in the long term according to the CBO, I don't see how this is anything other than a good thing.
The CBO has changed their scoring of this so many times and it has moved out of saving money over the prior system. The end result will be the end of employer paid insurance and people with crappier plans at a higher cost to cover the small percentage that did not have insurance. Not a good thing at all .. unless you are counting on everyone else to pay your way. The typical race to the bottom of most government programs
Pure idiocy ..

If you've been watching the news recently, you'll know of the huge debate in the U.S over the role of the Confederate flag in contemporary America. Many see it as a reminder of the many pre-Civil War injustices while others see it simply as a way to honor the soldiers who died for the Confederacy. Many large US companies, like Walmart and Amazon, have already banned the sale of any Confederate flag merchandise as a reaction to the recent events. Now, it appears that Apple has decided to join them by pulling many Civil War wargames from the App Store. As of the writing of this story, games like Ultimate General: Gettysburg and all the Hunted Cow Civil War games are nowhere to be found. Apple is famous for reaching for the axe rather than the scalpel when it comes to political issues (like rejecting Hunted Cow's Tank Battle 1942 for depicting Germans and Russians as enemies), so this move doesn't come as a great surprise.


Apple's Tim Cook has recently spoke against displaying the Confederate flag, so I suppose this development was to be expected. However, censoring historical games (if that is indeed the reason why the game's have been pulled) is always very tricky because those games don't glorify or promote a cause but, rather, represent historical events using the symbols and insignia of the period. However, I can also see the political and social pressure mounting at the moment, which makes pulling the games the "safest" action for Apple. What do you think? If Apple has indeed pulled the games for displaying the Confederate flag, is Apple's action justified, or was there another way to eradicate racism and remove the symbols and words that feed it, as Tim Cook put it?

Update: It's looking like Apple has pulled everything from the App Store that features a Confederate flag, regardless of context. The reasoning Apple is sending developers is "...because it includes images of the confederate flag used in offensive and mean-spirited ways." We just spoke with Andrew from HexWar Games, who have released many historical strategy games. He insists, "We're in no way sympathetic to the use of the flag in an offensive way, we used it purely because historically that was the flag that was used at the time."
P... we used it purely because historically that was the flag that was used at the time."

But was it? Was the flag that we're now discussing, ever the official flag of the Confederate States of America? I started to read up on the history of the Confederate flag because of this discussion, and according to various sources (e.g. this) it appears the current rectangular design was never used as the national flag of the CSA (a square version of it was the third and last).

However, @bearfan - I agree that this action taken by Apple is stupid. It would be like making a WW2 air combat game where one didn't show the swastika on German planes because the swastika could be seen as offensive.
It seems they used several flags, in part they changed with the fluctuation of the number of states in the Confederacy. This is one of them and is certainly the most popular and was used as a battle flag during the war

I am no expert on the Civil War .. especially on the South

I am getting this from here

which is the same link @Dr. Eddies Wingman posted :)

Maybe it's nit-picking of me when I separate between the square and rectangular versions of an otherwise similar flag :D