USA Politics

Three days before he set out in a silver Mustang convertible and murdered four Marines, 24-year-old Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez all but announced his intentions in a pair of blog posts.

One, headlined “Understanding Islam: The Story of the Three Blind Men,” declared that the original disciples of the prophet were not “like priests living in monasteries.”

“Every one of them fought Jihad for the sake of Allah,” Abdulazeez wrote as myabdulazeez.

The second post was headlined “A Prison Called Dunya,” that being a term for the material world.
Why are you so determined to put the blame on Islam??

the original disciples of the prophet were not “like priests living in monasteries.”

This is a true statement of fact, what's your point in quoting it?

“Every one of them fought Jihad for the sake of Allah,”

Again, depending on the meaning of jihad, this could well be true. "Jihad" only means "endless struggle" and does not specify what struggle and how it is fought. The word is also used by Muslims to describe their spiritual quest. I suspect a strong likelihood that something is being misunderstood here by the blogger himself.

The second post was headlined “A Prison Called Dunya,” that being a term for the material world.

I don't even see the relevance for this one, since all major religions have described the material world as a prision.

You're quoting statements that are either fact or standard Muslim belief... why? Are you against the religion, or the killer?
I am not blaming Islam, I am blaming the section of Islam that promotes/encourages this sort of thing. It seems counter productive to remove the motivation from people's actions and in this case, how this person seems to have interpreted those statements. Sure, maybe his interpretation is wrong, but it seems he relied on them to justify his actions. All religions/belief systems are full of interpreting things differently than what the standard interpretation is ... and of course some of those interpretations have changed over time in general

It seems reasonably clear he is an Islamic Terrorist. He committed an act of terror in the name of Islam. He could have been a Christian Terrorist, a Jewish Terrorist, a Left/Right Wing Terrorist, whatever. I do not see the value in not calling something what it is.

It also seems that unarmed military facilities (in this case a recruiting center) needs to be re-considered. Otherwise a few of these people might still be alive
RCP Poll Aggregate currently has the GOP race as follows:

Bush: 15.5%
Trump: 15%
Walker: 9%
Paul: 6.3%
Rubio: 6%
Carson: 5.8%
Huckabee: 5.8%
Cruz: 5.5%
Christie: 2.8%
Perry: 2.0%
-------------------------------------- Debate cutoff
Santorum: 2.0%
Kasich: 1.5%
Jindal: 1.3%
Fiorina: 1.0%
Graham: 0.3%
Gilmore: --
Pataki: --

Seems unlikely that anyone outside the debate can catch up.
Santorum's numbers are close, but he usually needs a religious-right issue to bump him up, so I think you're right: I don't see him overtaking Perry.

Kasich and Fiorina are still getting more press than their numbers suggest. One of them might be able to crack the top 10 if Perry or Christie blow it - or if Trump self-destructs out of the race again.

I didn't even know Pataki was running.
  1. Trump – 16.8%
  2. Bush – 14.8%
  3. Walker – 9.8%
  4. Rubio – 6.2%
  5. Huckabee – 6.2%
  6. Paul – 6.2%
  7. Carson – 5.8%
  8. Cruz – 5.2%
  9. Christie – 2.8%
  10. Perry – 2.4%
Not making the cut:

  1. Santorum – 1.8%
  2. Kasich – 1.6%
  3. Jindal – 1.4%
  4. Fiorina – 0.8%
  5. Graham – 0.2%
Yes, but I'm still not entirely sure what you mean with that. You mean the GOP primaries?

Yes, the GOP primaries. The top 10 make the debates, the rest do not ... which makes any of their chances at moving up in the pack minimal to mpossible
Woah, does this mean Trump actually has a shot at becoming one of the two candidates? o_O
I doubt it, especially since the most recent polls do not take into account the John McCain isn't a hero fuckup.

In 2012, there were constant spikes of Anti-Romneys. Perry, Santorum, Bachmann, and that guy with the pizzas all polled ahead of Romney as conservatives looked for someone better. Never took.

Trump, however, seems on course to dominate the first debate.
At this point Trump has the advantage of being very well known and everything he does gets in the news. As the field narrows and people get more engaged, he will find his ceiling .. which is probably not much more that 20 to 30 percent.

the McCain flap will certainly hurt him
At this point Trump has the advantage of being very well known and everything he does gets in the news.
Agreed, it would take a miracle for him to break 25%. But if the field stays varied 25% could win him an early state - then who knows.
I find it more likely he drops out and runs as an independent.
I'm hoping that Bernie Sanders wins the Democratic nomination. I'd vote for him.

As for Donald Trump, he's hilariously bad. I doubt/hope he doesn't win the GOP primary, but if he does, I doubt he'd actually get elected President. The fact of the matter is that the majority population is fed up with the American government, especially the Republicans.

Ironically enough, even though Sanders is being painted as an extremist for his openly democratic socialist views, he's probably the candidate that's most in-line with what the majority of voters want in the next President. It's just that a lot of people don't know about him yet.