USA Politics

I think so, but the difference too was that one was a co-operative statement, where as one was an adversarial statement. A statement of inclusiveness is far more likely to be accepted by the audience of the affected language than a statement of opposition.

In other words, while the Americans for whom the good Senator targeted his speech towards will understand the spirit in which it is said, the people whose language has been misunderstood may not be so kind towards forgiving as, say, the Germans were in the 1960s.
I think all he was trying to say is .. when we (as a general public) hear of a new group coming out of the Middle East starting with "Al", it means some sort of trouble. That has generally been true.

Not that big of a deal IMO
Not that big of a deal IMO
If this was Lindsey Graham stumping in South Carolina for his re-election as senator I'd be all for a blind leading the blind comment. But he's been talking about running (and losing) for the GOP nom. Profiles raised, and comments like this can be used quite easily in anti-US propaganda.
if he runs, he'll be out 2 states in. He is s decent enough Senator, but could not be more bland as has no base of support.
While we are at it .. candidates as of now (seems pointless talking about the Dem side at this point. Hillary is it)

Have a shot

Jeb Bush --- Would probably have a better shot with a different last name. I do not think he is a bad candidate, but nowhere near my favorite
Marco Rubio -- seems to give a good speech, but I am not super familiar with him. A negative might be, another Senator with pretty much 0 experience ala Obama. The plus to that is that there is not really much of a record to attach.
Scott Walker ... Pluses .. A Governor, seems to be able to get along well with various factions of the party. No degree might be a minus. As a plus, better speaker than most gave him credit for. He would be my #2 choice at this point.
Rand Paul -- my favorite of the bunch. Negatives for him are that he does not blend well with all factions of the party. His strategy seems interesting, try to get the libertarian wing and hope to bring in younger voters and crossover Dems since their nomination is no contest. That worked for Obama. Similar problem to Rubio with minimal experience. I hope he wins and points the GOP in a more "libertarian-ish" direction


Ben Carson -- not a very good politician, too bad. His story and background is incredible. Even had Cuba Gooding Jr play him in a movie.
Huckabee -- will win some votes as none of the top tier are evangelical. Think this is a "prestige/speaking fee/sell books" candidacy
Carly Fiorina -- no base, again too bad, she has had a good career and poor timing (dot com bust). She may be running for a secretary of X post

Think that is all that has announced so far
Bernie is awesome, but he'd lose in the general. Which is why bearfan is pulling for him.

Hillary is a very centrist person, though, so I don't think the super left will be very happy.
Back to what we were just talking about with prisons. Not perfect, but an improvement and what needs to happen in more places

Oklahoma’s Republican Gov. Mary Fallin has signed into law reforms that will allow judges some leeway and discretion from the state’s many mandatory minimum sentences.

The state’s Justice Safety Valve Act, HB 1518, will allow judges to give shorter sentences or divert some offenders to mental health or drug treatment programs for many nonviolent crime convictions if they deem it more helpful than prison.

Oklahoma has a very high incarceration rate, and more than 100 crimes with mandatory minimum sentences attached. The governor took note of the consequences when she signed the bill into law: "Violent criminals will continue to be incarcerated, but the fact is that one in 11 Oklahomans serve time in prison at some point in their lives."

Under the bill, judges would not be able to apply their discretion for violent crimes, sex crimes that would require offender registration, repeat crimes, or for crimes in which the defendant was a "leader of others in a continuing criminal enterprise."

But that’s not the only criminal justice reform recently passed in Oklahoma. At the end of April the governor signed into law a bill that altered the state’s occupational licensing rules to assist former offenders. Alas, HB 2168 doesn’t eliminate occupational licensing in fields like architecture, cosmetology, surveying, athletic training, and several others. What it does do is allow the state to still license people in these fields who had been convicted of crimes, as long as said crimes are not connected to the fields in which they work. That’s still a significant improvement.
Good job for the governor on this one. Definitely sentencing minimums are a problem. A problem they smartly disposed of in Texas.
The winner from the contest in TX

All the other fields listed I get, but why does one need a license for cosmetology?

I think it is for hygiene reasons ... (also so some agency can collect a fee). .. Disinfecting stuff and the like. I did a quick google search and it looks like it is a $40 license. Probably nothing too intense.
Can you USAians explain this to me?

New York City buses must show 'killing Jews' ad, judge rules

I get that the judge has said that the authority can't prohibit the ad from being shown, but what doe they mean by must show it? Are they actually being ordered to display an advertisement which they do not want to display? I thought the bus operator could decide what to have on their own buses. Is something lost on the way to the international press here?
My guess is that the people wanting to display the advertisement already paid for it and the bus operators didn't know what they were getting until it was already stuck on the buses. Just a wild guess, though.