USA Politics

Hehe I guess you're right. These people have worse ethics than shittiest private security. Those are ran by criminals but their employees tend not to steal from their own workplace...
.. at the terrorism summit that is not mentioning Islamic Terrorism, because Islam is really the religion of peace, some of Biden's best friends are Somali cabbies

Vice President Joe Biden boasts of ‘great relationships’ with Somali cab drivers

Another gaffe by Vice President Joe Biden is driving the news today after he made comments on his “great relationship” with Somali cab drivers.
At the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism on Tuesday, Biden was discussing areas where East African immigrants have settled in the United States, including the “very identifiable” Somali community in his hometown of Wilmington, Del.

Wilmington’s Somali population is likely quite small — in 2012, the U.S. Census Bureau found that 48,000 people in Philadelphia, Camden and Wilmington were born in an African country.
“If you ever come to the train station with me you’ll notice that I have great relationships with them because there’s an awful lot of them driving cabs and are friends of mine, for real,” Biden said.

The Somali-American community has come under close scrutiny in recent years as the Somali government has struggled to fight back against multiple terrorist groups, including al Qaeda. In November 2014, two Somali-American men in Minnesota were charged with providing support for the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Biden’s comments come on the first day of the three-day summit, for which the U.S. is hosting leaders from about 60 countries in the nation’s capital. The summit is aimed at combating the spread of violent extremism in the wake of ISIL’s rapid rise.

Biden delivered the opening remarks for the summit on Tuesday morning.

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What's incredible about this case is that everyone, including the cops, is explaining how incorrect the murdering cop was, but STILL there are no charges.
Would be interesting to see some news articles (as opposed to opinions) about this .. did it go to a grand jury, special prosecutor, etc etc
Just seems like nobody wants to tackle it. But that makes sense - prosecutors of every description and level don't want to indict cops.
Just seems like nobody wants to tackle it. But that makes sense - prosecutors of every description and level don't want to indict cops.
Seems the county prosecutor said he had a conflict, assuming it was a legit conflict, he did the right thing by passing on the case.
Seems the county prosecutor said he had a conflict, assuming it was a legit conflict, he did the right thing by passing on the case.
And if it wasn't, it's an easy way to pass the buck. Not enough facts available here, really.
And if it wasn't, it's an easy way to pass the buck. Not enough facts available here, really.

Yes, that is why I qualified it as "assuming it was a legit conflict" ... but the conflict itself is unknown. I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as I would lean towards caution and opting out if there is a conflict rather than going ahead and giving the defense an appeal later on.

But you are correct, the facts are unknown so it is all guess work.
Either way, based on the testimonies of the negotiator, the family, and the other cops, this is a slam dunk case. Whoever DOES have it should be pushing it.
In case anyone hadn't figured it yet:
A Justice Department civil rights investigation has concluded that the Ferguson Police Department and the city's municipal court engaged in a "pattern and practice" of discrimination against African Americans, targeting them disproportionately for traffic stops, use of force, and jail sentences, according to a U.S. law enforcement official briefed on the investigation.

Just think what he could have done with a cooperative congress!
No Justice, No Peace

FERGUSON • Two police officers were hit by gunfire early Thursday outside the Ferguson police department.

The shots were fired just after midnight as police were confronting protesters who had gathered outside the police station.