Crimson Idol
By properly raised, I mean being raised by parents and not living on the street. And they could be dangerous because they haven't had parents there to teach them good values. They're probably not coming over here on the intent of causing trouble, but since they weren't properly raised and taught good values by parents, they are a potential risk.
Having parents doesn't mean good values at all. Sure the kids on the streets are going to struggle and might do some petty theft to try and get by, but they will be grateful for everything and every chance anyone gives them. A large amount of younger people (that I've met certainly) are self entitled assholes who will do anything they think they can get away with. Having parents is not a garauntee kids will be anywhere near well behaved, there are plenty of bad parents about, who couldn't care less what their kids do.
I do agree though that illegal immigration is a bad thing, not just because I'm pretty sure had I chosen to do it I would've been sent home within a week >.> I would certainly rather Britain sorted its own problems (like those pesky Scots!) before taking on everyone elses too. So I agree that its a problem, but I think your reasoning for it being so is off the mark.
I guess though your heart, tears and prayers only apply if the kids are in another country