USA Politics

Thanks for the info about the medicaid expansion. I passed a link onto my friend which explained it and she said she'll look into it. Hopefully it's something that will help her.
WOW! I'm surprised this thread died.

My dad said Obama is letting a bunch of South American homeless underage street kids into the country. I don't see anything on it, but if it's true, it doesn't sound like a very good idea. Because they haven't been properly raised and are living on the street, don't a lot of these kids end up murdering and raping by like age 10? Wouldn't allowing them to come here just raise the risk of that type of stuff?
I don't think that's true. Obama doesn't "let" anyone in. Some people sneak in, but that's the sort of lies people spread to stop a meaningful conversation about immigration.
Well, according to this, many kids have been crossing the border by themselves and we're now trying to find housing for them instead of sending them back. That doesn't sound like a very good idea to me since these are probably street kids who haven't been properly raised and could be dangerous.
Why do you think street kids would be dangerous? What's properly raised? You're assuming a lot of things. But again, this is something people say to scare you away from having a real immigration debate.
Well, according to this, many kids have been crossing the border by themselves and we're now trying to find housing for them instead of sending them back. That doesn't sound like a very good idea to me since these are probably street kids who haven't been properly raised and could be dangerous.
Ask yourself why they are sneaking across the border in the first place. There could be a plethora of reasons, what makes you think they're coming over to cause trouble? Many of them are likely trying to escape a bad situation at home and seek new opportunities in the USA. That's not to say this is the case for everyone, but it should be considered.
By properly raised, I mean being raised by parents and not living on the street. And they could be dangerous because they haven't had parents there to teach them good values. They're probably not coming over here on the intent of causing trouble, but since they weren't properly raised and taught good values by parents, they are a potential risk.
So were the criminals the UK sent to Virginia in the 1600s. What's your point?

They're not white.
Travis, the point I'm trying to make is that you don't know what these people would be. They might be criminals, but I doubt they all would be. Hell, there's less criminals in the USA today than there has been in a long time. If you really cared about stopping people from coming in like this, you'd be interested in immigration reform, not scaring yourself that criminal children are flooding the streets.
And I do feel that there should be a HUGE immigration reform and by that, I mean making things MUCH more strict and not allowing any illegals here at all and if they do get here, instantly returning them back to where they came, but if the other thing my dad said is true, that's not going to happen any time soon. He said that as long as adult immigrants who come over here have children with them, they're allowed to stay here for 90 days before having to return to their country.
Yeah, but why do you not want illegals? Just...ignoring that they are illegal, why do you not want them here?
Isn't true that if they do come here illegally, we end up tending to their needs and caring for them even if they don't get jobs and just allow them to live a better life? If that's true, then that's wasting our tax dollars to support them and I would rather they not be living here. Or do most of them get jobs and find a way to get money to pay for their needs here? If that's true, then I guess I'm fine with it as long as my taxes don't have to support them.

Also, here's something I've always wondered. Why don't they come here legally? If Americans go to other countries, they don't do it illegally.
Most illegals get jobs. Most of them pay taxes, too - sales taxes, usually, but yeah.

See, Travis, illegals come to the USA to work. They don't come to suck off your welfare, because welfare in the USA sucks. It's the worst in the western world, pretty much. They come to work and make a better life for themselves.

The reason illegals don't immigrate legally is because it's really, really fucking hard. And some Americans surely immigrate illegally to other countries, but most don't need to do so in order to eat. That's the big difference, eh?
And how do you know that for a fact? And if it is true, at least they do work and support themselves, but don't we have to initially spend something to get them in a good living situation?

Ah, I see the reason they don't come here legally.
Well, Travis, studies have been done on this. The Pew Hispanic Centre estimates that about 2/3 illegals have a job. The rest are usually partners (wives) or kids. That's 8 million workers. And you don't usually spend anything to get them going. They get jobs and find places to live...squalor, man. It's creating an underclass.

Look, illegal immigration is bad. The problem is that the powers that be don't want to make legal immigration easier.
Well, that's good to know for sure. Ya, it is a bad problem that there's not a damn thing I can do about so now I wonder. If I can't do anything about it, why do I even bring any of this up to discuss? I guess it's interesting and I always learn something good from it.
You could write your Member of Congress and your Senators, and demand fair reform. Or unfair reform. I don't really care, but that's the point of representative democracy, to participate.
I'm sure they get plenty of letters like that already. If they wanted reform that badly, they would have done something about it by now. And like we discussed before, it does keep the cost of food down since some immigrants end up working on farms so that's a good thing. And based on the points you made, it doesn't sound that bad. What do you mean by bad? Is it bad that it's illegal and things should be made easier for immigrants to come here legally? Or is it bad that they're coming here illegally in the first place?
This is a bad thing, they have it on the news here (being a border state), something like 50,000 kids at a time coming across without parents. Which is clearly putting a strain on the system to handle them ... what is different with this wave than previous ones is these kids are mostly coming from Central America via Mexico .. mainly Honduras. A bad situation and does not even count the ones that do not get caught. So there are a bunch of 10-15 year olds and what the hell do you do with them? The answer for right now is having them sleep in gyms while someone decides

The Feds are not going to do jack ... Texas authorized several billion in state funds to step up enforcement along the border