USA Politics

Of course you are. You read far right wingnut blogs.

At it's basic level, Obamacare does 2 things. 1: it makes it harder (if not impossible) for insurance companies to deny coverage to someone, even if they have like diabetes, heart condition, smoke, cancer, etc. 2: it makes everyone get health insurance.
Well, the current negative impact is that a lot of people are losing or having changes to their health plans. That's because insurance companies have to figure all this out. They're getting a huge influx of customers, but a lot of them are customers they're being forced to accept. So it's gonna go wonky for awhile.
Yeah, that's pretty accurate. And honestly? The cons will level out after a few years. The pros - a healthier America - will last a long time.
Well, the current negative impact is that a lot of people are losing or having changes to their health plans. That's because insurance companies have to figure all this out. They're getting a huge influx of customers, but a lot of them are customers they're being forced to accept. So it's gonna go wonky for awhile.

Not really .. they are hardly getting any customers via ObamaCare at all ..
Not really .. they are hardly getting any customers via ObamaCare at all ..
Yeah, but how many people already picked up insurance under the new rules, how many are covered under extended COBRA? Besides, wait till next tax season.
4 people have signed up in Delaware this month .. the problem is the young people are not signing up unless they are already sick.
This is funny as hell ... and a bit sad that people obviously have no clue why they are voting for ... but still funny

If you're a conservative white Republican running for public office in an overwhelmingly African-American area, you'll almost certainly face an uphill climb to victory.

The road might be a bit easier, however, if your campaign advertisements strongly imply that you're black.

That's what happened during a recent race for a seat on the Houston Community College Board of Trustees, when Dave Wilson -- a white, anti-gay activist and former fringe candidate for mayor -- defeated 24-year incumbent Bruce Austin by only 26 votes to claim the win, CBS affiliate KHOU reports.

Wilson, who said he was fed up with "all the shenanigans" within the community college system, circulated campaign flyers featuring smiling African-American faces lifted from the Internet and accompanied by the text "Please vote for our friend and neighbor Dave Wilson."

One campaign flyer said Wilson had been "Endorsed by Ron Wilson" -- an apparent nod to a popular black former state representative by that name. But in a bait and switch, the "Ron Wilson" referred to on the direct mail piece was Wilson's cousin, who just happens to share a name with the former lawmaker.

"He's a nice cousin," Wilson told KHOU, stifling a laugh. "We played baseball in high school together, and he's endorsed me."

His opponent denounced Wilson's tactics as "disgusting" and vowed to seek a recount.

"I don't think it's good for both democracy and the whole concept of fair play," Austin said. "But that was not his intent, apparently."

"He never put out to voters that he was white," Austin added in a statement, according to the Houston Chronicle. "The problem is his picture was not in the League of Voters [pamphlet] or anywhere. This is one of the few times a white guy has pretended to be a black guy and fooled black people."

Austin even circulated his own fliers, lambasting Wilson as a "right wing hate monger," but he ultimately proved unable to halt Wilson's rise.

Despite the razor-thin margin, some wondered whether the election results might have had more to do with the sorry state of Houston's community college system, which has recently come under fire for insider business deals, than a deceptive campaign by one of the candidates.

"I suspect it's more than just race," says Bob Stein, a Rice University political scientist told KHOU. "The Houston Community College was under some criticism for bad performance. And others on the board also had very serious challenges."
He is just an incompetent fool

Shocking, the 2015 open enrollment period has been unilaterally moved (weird how the executive office can just change the law when they want) to start after the 2014 elections.

Wonder if that means they expect rates to go up or down .. my guess up and not just a little higher
Nice ...
The NSA collects nearly 5 billion records a day on the locations of cell phones overseas to create a huge database that stores information from hundreds of millions of devices, including those belonging to some Americans abroad, the Washington Post reported Wednesday.

Documents provided to the Post by NSA leaker Edward Snowden detail how this database is able to track people worldwide and map out their relationships with others.

The NSA inadvertently gathers U.S. location records, along with the billions of other records it collects by tapping into worldwide mobile network cables, the Post reported.

The database and projects designed to analyze it have created a mass surveillance tool for the NSA, allowing it to monitor individuals in a way never seen before.

NSA analysts can look at the data and track an individual’s movements throughout the world. They can then map out the person's relationships with others and expose previously unknown correspondence.

The agency collects the large amount of cell phone data in order to find out who is interacting with targets the agency is already tracking, even though most of the records collected are not relevant to national security.

The number of Americans who are tracked as part of the data collection overseas is unclear from the Snowden documents, and a senior intelligence official told the Post it is “awkward for us to try to provide any specific numbers.”

U.S. officials told the Post the programs that collect cell phone data are strictly geared towards tracking foreign intelligence targets, and are not against the law.
Check this amazing wealth inequality in the US and see how wrong the Americans are about this..
The stuff in that video isn't new. Most people aren't happy about the distribution of wealth out here and they understand that it is skewed. I suppose I don't really understand the point of this video/what it is exactly that Americans are wrong about.
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If they (meaning a great majority) really are aware (something I find hard to believe), then I am not sure how important they find it. If they really are aware and find it important, then lots of people are supporting the wrong politicians. And criticizing the wrong President.
I would like to think that a majority of Americans believe there should be an equal opportunity (which there is not .. but that should be the goal) versus promising an equal outcome. If someone is doing really well, good for them. Not that many complain when an NBA player strikes it rich .. I am not sure why some complain if a CEO ends up making the same salary (though admittedly over a longer period of time).
Because the NBA player entertains them, and the CEO is a guy in a suit and that's ohhh so evil.