USA Politics

Alito has shown a bit of a libertarian streak ruling against the administration when they over reached with the EPA for example. It depends on the case being brought and depending on that case, Kagan may have to recuse herself
Part of the freakout about this is what if Apple is lying - the other part is that people don't understand how technology works.

Apple, like all the other tech companies, has already lied about their complacency in NSA spying.

True, but we need a major whistleblower like the wikileaks guy or Snowden to say something to the effect of "Your prints are taken by the goverment and stored in your FBI file and here is PROOF. Other than that, no one is going to give to shits about it. All people care about is that Apple just sold 9M of these things in three days, Blackberry is going private after reporting 1B in losses for the 3rd quarter and will now target a niche market of executives who actually want a secure phone. Erin Burnett said, "The Best company doesn't always win." Best? in what way? it's a matter of taste. I don't care that Whole milk has more fat, I HATE how 2% milk tastes. I don't care if Blackberry is "better," if Apple has better trendy marketing and devices that people WANT. I know enough about computers to appreciate a PC, it's high customization, as bare bones or beefed up as you want it, but I just LIKE Apple Macs better. I like my iPod vs. a Zune or other mp3 player. I don't have an iPhone, hell I don't even have a smart phone. My phone looks and has the functions of one from 15 years ago. Doesn't even take or receive pictures. I don't WANT a smartphone because I am not the CEO of some international comglomerate that needs to organize meetings in Tokyo and have conference calls with Finland and Brazil and have to make sure I have access to my work reports and e-mail 24/7. People use these miracles of technology to Facebook, Word with Friends and Candy Crush their fucking lives away... pathetic.
Short answer, the government did not pass a budget, so some parts of government need to close until they have funds allocated. For the vast majority of Americans, this has zero impact on them. But allows everyone to make political points
800,000 people are currently out of a job, though. Over the long run, that'll hurt. It'll hurt more if the money situation gets to where the US can't pay their military anymore. It depends on how long it goes on, too. It's political grandstanding for now.

Basically, the Tea Party hates Obamacare, so they are kicking their feet and crying until it goes away. That's why a budget hasn't been passed.
Not really, as in past shutdowns, they will get paid and essentially have an extra paid vacation.

There was a bill passed and Obama signed it to pay the military and some military contractors, which brings that 800,000 number down
Well, it surely is a huge crock of shit, regardless of it affects me at the moment. What a bunch of twerps. Granted, as of today, I now am forced to go purchase healthcare, which is not going to help my funds.
Yes, god forbid you get affordable healthcare. It's the apocalypse as we know it.

At any rate, nobody is "out of a job" they've just been forced into vacation until they can be paid again and come back. So no-one is "unemployed" just... on standby. They can always come back once the money is there.

I just love how the republicans claim Obamacare has cost jobs and has hurt the economy, yet they have no problems shutting down the government, costing jobs and hurting the economy to prove how hurtful Obamacare is... hmm.
I get it, and you're right. But, I currently have none (which is admittedly quite stupid) and it is an extra expense.

I'm right there with you. I currently don't have any, but I turned 30 this year and as a promise to myself to be more responsible about my health I am going to when my job has re-enrollment in November... that and the mandate lol. I initially didn't do it, because I pay $9 for dental, $2.50 (no joke) for vision and they wanted AT LEAST 54 (per paycheck mind you) for medical. I said, "fuck that" and didn't get it. I haven't been to the dr in 5 years. I finally got sick this year, went to urgent care. Visit: $160, antibiotics $20, follow up visit $45. I don't know how much lower it would have been with insurance, I know the meds would have been between $0-$5 and I've heard people tell me their dr. visits are between 20-30 copay... way better than 160. The way I STILL see it though, why shell out an average of $2000 a YEAR just in case I go to the Dr. ONCE in 5 years? 10 GRAND of insurance for a one time 160 dollar visit? sheesh.

That said, I wish I had had the insurance because that was 160 I don't currently have, thank god for emergency credit card.
Did anybody see the tweet Michelle Obama made in response to the shutdown?
It's not on her feed, so no.

I'm right there with you. I currently don't have any, but I turned 30 this year and as a promise to myself to be more responsible about my health I am going to when my job has re-enrollment in November... that and the mandate lol. I initially didn't do it, because I pay $9 for dental, $2.50 (no joke) for vision and they wanted AT LEAST 54 (per paycheck mind you) for medical. I said, "fuck that" and didn't get it. I haven't been to the dr in 5 years. I finally got sick this year, went to urgent care. Visit: $160, antibiotics $20, follow up visit $45. I don't know how much lower it would have been with insurance, I know the meds would have been between $0-$5 and I've heard people tell me their dr. visits are between 20-30 copay... way better than 160. The way I STILL see it though, why shell out an average of $2000 a YEAR just in case I go to the Dr. ONCE in 5 years? 10 GRAND of insurance for a one time 160 dollar visit? sheesh.

That said, I wish I had had the insurance because that was 160 I don't currently have, thank god for emergency credit card.

I love being Canadian. I can't remember the last time I paid more than $5 for anything medical related. Dental a little different, but still quite good.
It's not on her feed, so no.

I love being Canadian. I can't remember the last time I paid more than $5 for anything medical related. Dental a little different, but still quite good.

I can do that in Mexico, but I go once every 2 to 3 years :(. Sure I could go to Nogales which is a 45 min drive, but crossing the border has become such a hassle I don't want to bother with it. I may still go to by OTC cold and pain medicine. I miss my 3rd world country :( We may be broke but we have good healthcare.
I'm right there with you. I currently don't have any, but I turned 30 this year and as a promise to myself to be more responsible about my health I am going to when my job has re-enrollment in November... that and the mandate lol. I initially didn't do it, because I pay $9 for dental, $2.50 (no joke) for vision and they wanted AT LEAST 54 (per paycheck mind you) for medical. I said, "fuck that" and didn't get it. I haven't been to the dr in 5 years. I finally got sick this year, went to urgent care. Visit: $160, antibiotics $20, follow up visit $45. I don't know how much lower it would have been with insurance, I know the meds would have been between $0-$5 and I've heard people tell me their dr. visits are between 20-30 copay... way better than 160. The way I STILL see it though, why shell out an average of $2000 a YEAR just in case I go to the Dr. ONCE in 5 years? 10 GRAND of insurance for a one time 160 dollar visit? sheesh.

That said, I wish I had had the insurance because that was 160 I don't currently have, thank god for emergency credit card.

This is exactly why pushing traditional insurance on groups of people that are generally healthy is stupid. If you are paying for insurance, it should be a catastrophic plan with an HSA
Obamacare’s National Hotline? 1-800-F…You

October 2, 2013

Sometimes, you just have to laugh. Yesterday, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius made the MSM blitz by announcing the website, glitches and all, and the national call-in center, which is 1-800-318-2596. Now to make this work, you have to skip the 1, because on a phone keypad, no letters are assigned to the number 1. But spell out the rest, and this is what you get.

1-800-3(F) 8(U) 2(C) 5(K) 9(Y) 6(O).