USA Politics

That shit happens all the time in every military in the world. Hell, the invasion of Peleliu in WW2 was because a general forgot to take it off a list.
If true .. and I would like to see other sources, this is total BS

part of the article -- CRS is this organization

According to the papers released by Judicial Watch, a public watchdog group, the Community Relations Service (CRS), was deployed "to help organize and manage rallies and protests against George Zimmerman." Judicial Watch charged that the goal was to "foment unrest" in the community and put pressure on officials to prosecute Zimmerman, now on trial, harshly

CRS employee spent $1,142.84 to travel to Sanford, Florida from March 25-28, 2012 "to work marches, demonstrations, and rallies."
-- CRS employee spent $751.60 to travel to Sanford, Florida from March 30-April 1, 2012 "to provide technical assistance to the City of Sanford, event organizers, and law enforcement agencies for the march and rally on March 31."
-- CRS employee spent $1,307.40 to travel to Sanford, Florida from April 3-12, 2012 "to provide technical assistance, conciliation, and onsite mediation during demonstrations planned in Sanford."
-- CRS employee spent $672.24 to travel to Tampa, Florida from April 18-20, 2012 "to meet with RNC official related to possible protests and demonstrations during the RNC."
I don't yet see it confirmed by a reliable source. Just Breitbart and the usual dirt sheets. CNN has it though as a "claimed" statement, so I expect if there is anything there it'll hit the mainstream shortly.
If this is a 'usual' occurrence, perhaps it would be better to post and see what people have to say on the subject (i.e post it as a discussion topic) whenever you read something like that, instead of flying off the handle instantly with outrage and NObama rant's? It'll probably save you a lot of rage and embarassment.

(No offense, just seems to be very repetitive :p)
Well, I sort of did that last time when I asked what everyone's thoughts on it was.
What do you think is up with this?:
Sure seems like a cover up to me.

Happens all the time. Federal agencies often cite confidentiality in public meetings; a lot of the time, they will have closed-doors meetings with certain committees (such as the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence) but not where the cameras are rolling. It's certainly not a cover-up - they're just not going to discuss certain things with the cameras rolling.
Absolutely. Every time. Any intelligence-gathering organization will avoid answering those sorts of questions. It's to keep you safe.
So Zimmerman was found not guilty and was acquitted of all charges. Was very interesting to see how the general perspective of this case turned over time. I'm also interested in what sort of reactions there will be.
Some are calling for the Feds to try him, which would be total BS (double jeopardy) IMO ... but there is possibly a way for that to happen. I hope it does not
I'm glad he's not guilty! Trayvon shouldn't have even been in that neighborhood and wearing a hoodie pulled over his face like that. And then he attacks Zimmerman? What if Trayvon had a gun and shot and killed him? I don't blame Zimmerman in the least for what he did.
I don't have any strong opinion one way or the other for this event. It's awful that the kid died and it does seem like Zimmerman provoked the situation. However, nobody will ever really know for sure what happened in that situation so finding him not guilty was the right move, imo. Since our justice system works off of innocent until proven guilty. I think it was wrong to turn this into an issue of race, though it did seem that way when the story was developing. I think this should be looked at as an issue of street violence and perhaps unneeded vigilantism.

I'm glad he's not guilty! Trayvon shouldn't have even been in that neighborhood and wearing a hoodie pulled over his face like that. And then he attacks Zimmerman? What if Trayvon had a gun and shot and killed him? I don't blame Zimmerman in the least for what he did.
Bold statements. Were you there? Why should Trayon not be in that neighborhood? What if Trayvon was confronted by Zimmerman and defended himself? The fact of the matter is Trayvon didn't have a gun, so the assumption that he did doesn't make it okay to attack him. You don't blame Zimmerman for killing a kid who for all we know could've been harmless?
It's stuff like this that I'm talking about. We weren't there, I don't think it's right to make such bold assumptions.
It comes down to the prosecution could not make its case and he was found not guilty as should be the case. The whole thing has been made way too political and racial .. yet another black mark on the US media
Which is why I more or less stopped following the story once the mainstream media picked up on it. Over sensationalized news story that is no different than all the other murders that happen on a daily basis. People decided to spin it into a larger political/racial issue and that was wholly unnecessary. Obama's comments (and the fact that he got involved at all) were ridiculous.
Which is why I more or less stopped following the story once the mainstream media picked up on it. Over sensationalized news story that is no different than all the other murders that happen on a daily basis. People decided to spin it into a larger political/racial issue and that was wholly unnecessary. Obama's comments (and the fact that he got involved at all) were ridiculous.

Same here ... and Obama should not have gotten within 10 miles of this. There are thousands and thousands of murders (sadly) no one seems to give a shit about them.

Trials like this, OJ, Casey Anthony are sickening the way they are covered.
If this case was the opposite and a black man was acquitted, I guarantee you they would have been in the streets celebrating instead of protesting and no white people would be protesting either.

Here in America, I feel that racism shouldn't be based on whether or not one race is a minority. It should be how one race treats another race whether they're the minority or majority. I also consider it very racists for black people getting away with calling white people crackers. That's perfectly accepted, but the opposite is not? How messed up is that?
These people are reacting this way because of how the media over sensationalized this story and turned it into big racial issue. Is it possible that Zimmerman followed Trayvon because he was black? Yes. The media exploited that and now the people who believe it are reacting. Racism still exists in America.

And since you brought it up. If the roles were reversed and it was a black man on trial, two things would happen:
1: The story would've never left the local 10:00 news.
2: He would've likely been found guilty.

Now does that seem fair?

What about this woman? Why is she going to prison for 20 years after firing warning shots while Zimmerman gets off after killing a kid? Where's her media circus?
That and people seem to forget Zimmerman is half Hispanic .. yet they are framing it as black and white. By that logic, I guess Obama is white too ... or maybe his white side shows when he does bad things .. while his black side is all greatness. Zimmerman shooting Martin is surely his white side taking over from his heart warming immigrant Hispanic story of triumph