UK Politics

At least there's one country that is moving away from conservatism instead of moving further and further right like the rest of Europe at the moment.

Also, quite the strong showing for the LibDems. It was time to punish the Tories for years of bad governance.
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Give it time, it'll probably change again. But yes, thank fuck, let's have some rational governance again for the actual good of the population, no more spivs and self interested wide boys fighting over who can make the most anti-woke statements. Leave that to Farage who has finally got into Parliament.
Give it time, it'll probably change again. But yes, thank fuck, let's have some rational governance again for the actual good of the population, no more spivs and self interested wide boys fighting over who can make the most anti-woke statements. Leave that to Farage who has finally got into Parliament.
It's this endless cycle of right wing populist parties promising easy answers, getting elected and basically don't get anything done. Well, except lining their pockets and being corrupt. Then at some point one of the opposition parties gets to win and inherits a mess that needs to be fixed. An election cycle or two later people have forgotten the utter incompetence of the previous ruling party and many start falling for the populist lies again. And the cycle continues.

This appies to too many countries unfortunately. Let's see what Labour does with this opportunity.
The default UK vote is usually Conservative. Rather than it being about populism, its more about public spending limits, taxation, business and investment supposedly doing better under a Conservative government, plus a dose of snobbery/elitism.

If the Conservatives want to get back in, they need to become the boringly sensible party again. The rise of the Lib Dems this time and centrist drift of Labour says it all.

I think they either badly misjudged that the British public were more interested in who uses what toilet, or punishing illegal immigrants, than keeping the economy afloat, or else the personal gripes of shady backbenchers just took over.
It's this endless cycle of right wing populist parties promising easy answers, getting elected and basically don't get anything done. Well, except lining their pockets and being corrupt. Then at some point one of the opposition parties gets to win and inherits a mess that needs to be fixed. An election cycle or two later people have forgotten the utter incompetence of the previous ruling party and many start falling for the populist lies again. And the cycle continues.

This appies to too many countries unfortunately. Let's see what Labour does with this opportunity.
Its why i didnt vote for the first time ever. Its a merry go round where things dont really get any better
Yay! Really stoked with the results!

The Manic Street Preachers gig in Cardiff tomorrow is going to be a massive party.
Wales put Scotland to shame today by wiping out the Tories.

Meanwhile, my constituency (Scottish Borders) and several others up here remained Tory. Too many wealthy pensioners and land owners to make a Tory wipeout a reality. The collapse of the SNP didn't help things.

At least Herr Farage's ReFascist party didn't win as many seats as predicted.
It's great that Tories were destroyed but nothing to get too excited in my opinion. First is that Labor party got almost same as 2019 and well below 2017. Second Keir Stramer is not too left, if at all.
This is both a huge Labour success and almost nothing to do with Labour at all. I don't think Jeremy Corbyn could have won 412 seats. I do think he would have won 350, and it's the UK, it is the same thing.

There are a lot of warning signs for Labour that they moved too hard to the centre to maintain this coalition through the next general, but I doubt Keir Starmer can see that. In the meantime, hopefully they are able to move some useful things forward.
The Tories will shift to the far-right now, especially if they elect a nutter like Braverman or Badenoch as leader. They'll want to take votes back/appeal to the Farage fascists.

And that's great news for the UK, especially if Labour make concessions to the center-right. That'll relegate the Tories to the fringes for a generation.
You say that, but we had the same thing happen in Canada, and it ended up with a united, but further right, Conservative party. It would be better if the Conservatives take the centre-right and push Labour back to the left where they belong.
You say that, but we had the same thing happen in Canada, and it ended up with a united, but further right, Conservative party. It would be better if the Conservatives take the centre-right and push Labour back to the left where they belong.
Yeah, that's how it happens sort of everywhere. Slippery slope towards the far-right.
And that's great news for the UK, especially if Labour make concessions to the center-right.

No please no more concessions to the right. After decades of left making concessions to the right there's nothing left. People need real left again. Let's move to the left for once and don't stop moving for a decade.

And of course Stramer will never do that.
I just hope Labour will stop appeasing and trying to court the TERFs. There have been some really disappointing statements in the last year. Labour is obviously so much better than the Tories, but there's still major room for improvement. Let's hope for the best.
No please no more concessions to the right. After decades of left making concessions to the right there's nothing left. People need real left again. Let's move to the left for once and don't stop moving for a decade.

And of course Stramer will never do that.
I personally hope that they don't and go further left. But the problem is the English electorate which is mostly on the right. So, Starmer is going to have to find a way to placate them or risk a far-right Tory resurgence in 5 years.
I personally hope that they don't and go further left. But the problem is the English electorate which is mostly on the right. So, Starmer is going to have to find a way to placate them or risk a far-right Tory resurgence in 5 years.

Starmer has won a landslide election because he has managed to convince voters in the middle ground (same as Blair did). I’d love him to steer more towards the left, but the obvious risk of that would be having the Tories back sooner than we would want!

I am sure he will implement progressive policies. It is also quite reassuring to have a cabinet with so many people that went to state schools.
Starmer won a landslide election because Reform ate the Tories from the right at the same time he was eating them from the centre. His vote share change over Mr. Corbyn's third kick at the can is miniscule, but it was a vastly more efficient vote due to the rising strength of Reform and LD. He won, sure, but the Conservatives lost it moreso than that.
I personally hope that they don't and go further left. But the problem is the English electorate which is mostly on the right. So, Starmer is going to have to find a way to placate them or risk a far-right Tory resurgence in 5 years.

Between a washed up left and conservatives I’ll buy conservatives and most people think the same.

Most of electorate are below average income and should be voting left and they would if left was delivering but in most of cases they don’t.

To be clear, left essentially is about democratization of work place and redistribution of wealth. Environment and immigration, inclusion and all are good to have, but as left doesn’t even try for what is about people lost interest.

Starmer has won a landslide election because he has managed to convince voters in the middle ground (same as Blair did).

The way I see it is that Stramer won big because Tories had a free fall. The fact that he had much less actual votes than Corbyn had last time means that he is highly unlikeable and that he probably didn’t had to convince anyone. Tories just collapsed before him and he only had to walk through the ruins.

I know that UK election system is complicated but one could probably make the argument that if Corbyn was on the helm with current Tories collapse he would have won bigger than that.
The way I see it is that Stramer won big because Tories had a free fall. The fact that he had much less actual votes than Corbyn had last time means that he is highly unlikeable and that he probably didn’t had to convince anyone. Tories just collapsed before him and he only had to walk through the ruins.
Corbyn was more unlikeable for a big proportion of the electorate than Starmer. Also, a huge number of people in the centre left voted strategically Lib Dem to oust the Tories (I know a good number of them where I live).