UK Politics

I think he's really imagining that the UK leaving the EU will return the entire world to the 1960s economy where the UK could compete as a major player independently. Obviously that ability collapsed as the 1970s occurred and was then murdered by Thatcher. So yeah...he's wrong. But he really wants to be right. I mean, it'd be great if the UK could get that place back, sure...but they can't. It's not possible.
Bruce went to public school so was brought up in the same environment as a lot of the people who are running brexit. They still think it's the 19th century and British ways are the envy of the world. You can see this when he waxes lyrical about the "raj" on flight 666 or how easily the right wing hate slogan "these colours don't run" came to him at Ozfest.
I believe once out of EU regulation you can subsidize your local food growth in whatever ways you want. EU isn't exactly willing to subsidize deficitary industries. An "independent" UK could make profits on exports elsewhere (such as high tech armament to Saudi Arabia) and then bandaid the issue of its pork being more expensive to produce locally than importing it from somewhere via EU framework.

But I'd like to see an exact plan, on how independent UK of tomorrow does this. "We intend to profit from lucrative deals in industry X on market Y, now that we're free of EU regulations". What are they exactly gonna do?
if not the worst, Prime Ministers the United Kingdom has ever had.
Okay, she's survived the challenge; 200 (vs. 117) is a decent majority but it literally changes nothing.

That Edwardian guy is on my telly looking unhappy...
I think I just saw the worst dressed politician person in my lifetime. And that comes from someone who doesn't care much about clothes...