Tournament of Maiden Solos: Tiebreak: 1B ==> 2 (2nd)

Which guitar solo would you like to survive?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Ugh, 12 solo group is too much. It's hard to wrap your head around it. I picked: Judas, Boots, Alchemist, Seventh Son, 2MtM and Amigos. I don't particularly care about them in this game, though.
Thanks Srogy! At the moment of writing: still 3 solos hanging in the balance (the ones with 12 votes: only two out of these three can be part of the six best ones, to go through). If it stays like this we'll have another tiebreak, but with way less solos of course.
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020, 041, 048, 050 and 061 have survived and proceed to round 2.
027, 078, 089 and 128 are eliminated.

The other three solos: undecided. One of these needs to survive, the other two have to go.
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This is the last stage before we go to round 2. If there will be another tie, I'll look at previous results.

Three solos, only one can survive. One vote.

(NOTE: If this game is new for you, and if you would like to participate, please check the opening post of the main game thread for more information)
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They don't match my secret criteria :p
