Edit master.Bull.
Shit perhaps?Bull.
Not really. I don't know how technical my comments have been (not at all I guess). I am not a guitar buff, but merely describe what I hear or feel.The only criteria we can use that are independent of context, are technical ones, and not everyone has an interest in (or an opionion on) that aspect.
I see what you mean here. Still I hope that a reasonable percentage (not everybody, I know) can still forget that for a minute, or at least is as least as much busy with the opponent, rather than with further context of the song. In this particular battle, I find the difference in votes really big and it seemed a good moment to utter some words.Iconic songs are iconic for a reason, too. Maybe the solos in these songs are one aspect of what people genuinely think makes them great. Plus some solos really capture the feel of the overall song and complement them beautifully, making it near impossible to look at them in any other context - the Paschendale solos spring to mind, and also the Rime one above.