What I was trying to get on the lyrics was a feeling, just this real positive vibe--the same vibe I get when I stand on stage in front of all these people, and they're all yelling at you, and chanting and singing with you. This huge, uplifting feeling [of] "It's just great to be alive," right at that moment in time. The song is totally in favor of promoting that attitude, that one day, something good is going to happen to you, and when that day happens, don't back away from it. If you get an opportunity, grab it by the balls with both hands and just do it. Hence, "Your time will come" [in the lyrics]. When the audience goes and sees Maiden, that's it--your time has come.
When I was writing the words to it, you start free-associating things. What happens to this kid? The first line in the song is, "The hand of fate is moving," and suddenly, the finger [pointing]--"OK, out of bed. You--your turn today." The idea of the finger of fate knocks you to your feet, says, "OK, what'cha gonna do about it?" The dumb kid at the back of the class, who's always too shy to speak, his tongue was frozen, all of a sudden he pipes up, he goes, "Hey, I think you all suck!" He's got something to say. This whole thing--fly from the gates of dawn, eternity calling you his way. In the song, he says goodbye to gravity, he says goodbye to death. Live for every moment. One of the lines in the song that just sums it up is, "Every second is a new spark to set the universe aflame." If you just take that attitude in your life--every second that's alive is another spark in eternity--it's great. It's a great, uplifting vibe.