Chasing Ponce De Leon's Phantoms
I gotwhat did you get?20 points
Damn! I only got 19. You win I guess.
I gotwhat did you get?20 points
Can somebody calculate the points of the other entries and make a leaderboard (I don't have the time right now), so the mods can close the topic.
1. The Wicker Man 1 point
2. 2 Minutes to Midnight 1 point
3. Ghost of the Navigator
4. The Trooper 1 point
5. Death or Glory
6. Revelations 1 point
7. The Clansman 1 point
8. Where Eagles Dare 1 point
9. Run to the Hills 1 point
10. Heaven Can Wait
11. For the Greater Good of God 1 point
12. Hallowed be Thy Name 1 point
13. Fear of the Dark 1 point
14. Iron Maiden 2 points
15. The Number of the Beast 1 point
16. The Evil That Men Do 1 point
17. Flight of Icarus 1 point
Here's the leaderboard:
Please feel free to correct me, if i made a mistake.
When the points are the same, i've ordered the list by the date of the comment.
(I repositioned @Collin since he got 19 points - great job!
- Randalf)
Whooten - 20 points
Lego - 19 points
Collin - 19 points
mitch cugnet - 18 points
Smither - 17 points
Wogmidget - 17 points
vagalex - 17 points
Yoav - 17 points
mepatrik1 - 16 points
ifp - 16 points
GhostofCain - 16 points
Mosh - 16 points
Poto - 16 points
Xennon - 16 points
kantri - 16 points
MAPEC - 15 points
Randalf - 15 points
Ben Beast - 15 points
maideneer10 - 15 points
davidhrodriguez - 15 points
Flaming Blimp Crash - 15 points
dubroy27 - 15 points
MrKnickerbocker - 14 points
FTB - 14 points
Kalata - 13 points
GiovaOfficial - 13 points
Black Wizard - 13 points
mihai - 13 points
Night Prowler - 13 points
GroundZero - 13 points
Ascendingthethrone - 13 points
Álvaro - 12 points
Bombusbombus - 12 points
Maiden4Ever - 12 points
Littesutu66 - 12 points
LooseCannon - 12 points
Black Bart - 11 points
Ziggyplayedguitar - 11 points
The Dissident - 11 points
cnesbit - 11 points
BeThyJames - 11 points
Diesel11 - 11 points
Wickerman1204 - 10 points
bornless1 - 10 points
SirRobbins - 10 points
NIИ_InthisTwilight - 9 points
Forostar - 7 points
Speed of Light - 6 points
Magnus - 2 points
Good job everybody! I think there was only two, who guessed right SOTC.
(1) Aces High 2p
(2) 2 Minutes to Midnight 1p
(3)Revelations 1p
(4)Flight of Icarus 1p
(5)Stranger in a Strange Land
(6)For the Greater Good of God 1p
(7)The Trooper 1p
(8)The Wicker Man 2p
(9)The Murders in the Rue Morgue
(10)The Clansman 1p
(11)The Evil That Men Do 1p
(12)Fear of the Dark 1p
(13)Iron Maiden 2p
(14)The Number of the Beast 1p
(15)Hallowed Be Thy Name 2p
(16)Run to the Hills 2p
You forgot meHere's the leaderboard:
Please feel free to correct me, if i made a mistake.
When the points are the same, i've ordered the list by the date of the comment.
Whooten - 20 points
Lego - 19 points
mitch cugnet - 18 points
Smither - 17 points
Wogmidget - 17 points
vagalex - 17 points
Yoav - 17 points
mepatrik1 - 16 points
Collin - 16 points
ifp - 16 points
GhostofCain - 16 points
Mosh - 16 points
Poto - 16 points
Xennon - 16 points
kantri - 16 points
MAPEC - 15 points
Randalf - 15 points
Ben Beast - 15 points
maideneer10 - 15 points
davidhrodriguez - 15 points
Flaming Blimp Crash - 15 points
dubroy27 - 15 points
MrKnickerbocker - 14 points
FTB - 14 points
Kalata - 13 points
GiovaOfficial - 13 points
Black Wizard - 13 points
mihai - 13 points
Night Prowler - 13 points
GroundZero - 13 points
Ascendingthethrone - 13 points
Álvaro - 12 points
Bombusbombus - 12 points
Maiden4Ever - 12 points
Littesutu66 - 12 points
LooseCannon - 12 points
Black Bart - 11 points
Ziggyplayedguitar - 11 points
The Dissident - 11 points
cnesbit - 11 points
BeThyJames - 11 points
Diesel11 - 11 points
Wickerman1204 - 10 points
bornless1 - 10 points
SirRobbins - 10 points
NIИ_InthisTwilight - 9 points
Forostar - 7 points
Speed of Light - 6 points
Magnus - 2 points
Good job everybody! I think there was only two, who guessed right SOTC.
You forgot me![]()
Well I do tend togo on a bit about how predictable Maiden's setlists are....
Is this spoilers?Some of the songs they are playing on this tour are anything but predictable...
Is this spoilers?