I disagree with you about the church's morality being the same as that of 50 years (or more) ago. Pope Francis himself has made efforts to be inclusive to the LGBT community with his, "God made you like this," remark being the most famous. Father James Martin, SJ has written numerous articles about how the church MUST embrace the LGBT community. Now, of course this is coming from the Jesuits, an order that conservative Catholics have always hated. But they were never this vocal about it. I once again must point out that the percentage per capita of pederasts in the Catholic Church is in line with the general population. I'm not saying it is OK or "not a problem," it IS a problem, but due to it's visibility as an institution, its reputation, etc, they are easy targets for scandals. I'll never forget that in my own hometown newspaper, The Arizona Daily Star, the article on the front page was about a priest who got caught abusing minors. In that SAME issue on page 8, at the bottom, hardly discernible, was an article of a Rabbi that got caught for the same crime. Same crime, both men of the cloth, but one is page 1 news the other bottom of page 8.
As I originally said, we need to separate the pederast issue from the homosexual issue. The conservatives are upset about both. Fucking hypocrits. I've been lucky enough to meet and know "good" priests. In all of my church going life I only know of two scandals and both fairly recent. One was, the Cathedral in Tucson had a young priest, no more than 25, good lucking, charismatic, great public speaker. Mr. perfect. One Sunday he was there the next he's gone. Guess what? Mr. perfect was having sex with a female parishioner, got caught, got transfered. Not ONE person spoke ill of him. Why? Because he's heterosexual? I bet you had he been gay more than half the parish would have been up in arms.
The other scandal was my own parish priest "retired." Turns out he didn't retire, he quit. He was quite old, late 60s early 70s and asked the diocese permission to retire so he could marry. The Diocese agreed and told him the paperwork would take 3 months. He told them to go fuck themselves, quit on the spot and left. It is naive to think he had barely met this woman, more than likely he had been having a relationship for years. Which begs the question, if he had waited years already, what was 3 more months? What was the big hurry? More than likely she gave him an ultimatum. Again... hardly made any news outside of the regular parishioners.
As for le Pope, things are still up in the air.