I don't think Foro has complained yet... or made any comments at all, for that matter..Now every active forum member has complained about at least one song in the rankings.
MaidenFans, you are forgiven regarding your mistakes. Rue Morgue is in the top 30. Well done.
Seriously though that's my personal favorite Di'Anno era song. Love it.
As for Moonchild, I don't think it's the world's best Maiden song, but it is the best album opener in their discography. Not because of how good the song is, but because the way it opens SSOASS is so awesome.
Because my pedantic keeping of records for 12 years has matched even his level of detail.I don't think Foro has complained yet... or made any comments at all, for that matter..
Like I said, it's not my favorite album opener (that's Aces High) but it is the best way they've ever opened an album. I love the "seven deadly sins", then the synth buildup, and the BAM! Moonchild.My favorite Di'anno song is Purgatory. I was sad to see it so low... everyone is entitled to their opinion.. here's mine "you're crazy to think Moonchild is the best opener of all their albums". lol all of us are crazy...just my feelings. It's one of the 3 songs on that album I don't like.
So I'm starting my listen through. Here is the marking system that I'll use:
10 - Masterpiece
9 - Amazing song
8 - Great song
7 - Good song
6 - Filler
5 - Under Maiden's standards
4 - Bad
3 - Worst that IM can do
2 - Projectile diarrhea
1 - The worst song I ever heard
More in the song topcs...
Your bottom two categories don't make sense, I mean even if you don't like metal at all (which I know is opposite in your case).
On my overall 1-10 scale lowest Maiden song should be around 4. For instance even the best of MTV pop, EDM and such would get that score, "barely average music" for me. 3 would be for usual mainstream shit, 2 needs to be cringe worthy also, 1 is the special place for the likes of Yoko Ono, Sex Pistols and such.
Ooh now I am INTERESTED!P.S. I am also doing my ultimate Maiden playlist. Songs that will make it will be posted here after I'm done with each album.
I wouldn't say it's the best song of the album, but then again, it's hard to pick a winnerI love the lyrics of this song, especially the pre-chorus (?) with "Please tell me know...". One of Steve Harris' best efforts in my book.
I did think that Blood on the World's Hands played a big role in influencing this song...firstly in the bass intro (although BotWH's is far better) and then in the heavy bridges. Still, this is one of the darkest songs on the album, and BotWH was definitely the darkest song on The X Factor (although they were all pretty dark)
Nice melody on the intro and great rhythm when the pace picks up. Neither the pre-chorus nor the chorus are strong enough to carry the amount of time they take centre stage. This, probably more than any reunion number, is guilty of the oft-cited Harris sin of repetition. A strong lyric and the general epic feel keep it from getting a fail though. In fact, it’s quite good, just overblown.
My early favourite from this album, and I still think it is one of the best. Steve has his best moment since Blood on the World's Hands, Bruce has never sounded better, and the three amigos seem to be playing for their lives. The lyrics stand out as some of the best they have ever done
An epic masterpiece bookended by Steve's brilliantly sombre bass intro/outro. Many wonderful guitar riffs are contained within - atmospheric, harmonic, heavy - and the guitar line playing under the power chords during the verses is one of my AMOLAD highlights. The guitars during the pre-chorus and chorus are very, very large. Epic. However the solos seem a little short, boo. Bruce is relentless, mighty. I love "a wolf in sheep's clothing"...always reminds me of Caught Somewhere in Time. There are no complaints of repetition here. I wake up each day and repetitiously listen to Maiden and play my guitar...repetition rocks.
For me, it is a perfect song that has me in trance every time I play it. The repetition is never something that has bothered me, in fact - I've never thought about it as repetitive. The "Please tell me now what life is"-parts sends shivers down my spine every time. The guitar melody, the expression in the vocals and in the words - it's just such a fantastic part and an incredible piece of music as a whole. A song that express a frustration about wars and people killing each others over religious beliefs that goes on and on and on, and never stops. Not much too say about the meaning in the lyrics really, but the way he puts the words and how Bruce sings them is everything.
This is a masterpiece, designed to batter into your mind over and over the hypocrisy of those who use the concept "The greater good" and the even greater hypocrisy of mingling it with "for god". Dark and demonic and slow that builds into a mighty crescendo. Perhaps not a classic, but a great.
Steve's big epic. The intro is wonderful, and I love Bruce's singing. You can feel he is into it. The verses are heavy and hard-hitting, and I like what Adrian(?) does in the background. The pre-chorus is only decent though, but I love the chorus. Repetitive? Nah, unlike No More Lies this chorus gains momentum when it's repeated.
It sure does that. It's got some extremely strong parts and melodies. However it gets a bit tiring after some point. Not the best song of the album as far as I am concerned, I think it needs some editing and better arrangement/ structuring.
It's intentionally expansive. To be fair, there is always a group of people who find such music boring. It's nothing against either the song or the fan; it's just a fact that longer songs are more likely to eventually becoming boring to someone. That's how the human brain works.
Damn, this is such a mind blowing and amazing song! Bruce sure has developed a ton of song writing talent! WOW! I'd love for him to do a solo album with him EXCLUSIVELY writing EVERY song and just going insane with this type of creativity.
Fake orchestra sounds so fucking bad. It's so terrible I cringed every time I heard a "cello" or some "horns". The guy didn't even use legato patches - it's fucking 2015, you can do better than that with virtual instruments, man... For God's sake, I think they could easily afford recording real instruments... But I guess they wanted to do it quick. Piano sounds fine at the beginning, but it's unnecessary later on... They have three bloody guitars, and there is no problem with them covering all these lines. The piano doesn't work well when the whole band is playing.
If people can't see the airship being buffeted by the storm in the instrumental part of this song...I don't know what to say.
I still think this is going to end up in the top 25 Maiden songs once the polls are opened.
Exactly why I love this song: the music tells the story in perfect sync with the lyrics. Bruce is a master storyteller and he puts that same emotion and care into his music here (as well as his words).
Still one of my least liked from TBOS - I admire the idea, the musical thought and the audacity of it, but the execution is just rather mundane. The idea is there though, and as the 18+ minutes is just repetition of the main motif, you could cut 2/3's of it and still have everything you need in the track. At 5 minutes I'd rate the track much higher.
This description could be so long... but I just don't know what to say. It's a journey every time, and 18 minutes are over before it started. This is why I love Maiden, you get lost and travel to another place and become part of the story and world.
For an eighteen minute song, it always feels fresh whenever I listen to it. I avoided it like the plague when I first got into Maiden because I doubted it would be anything less than indulgent, but man was I wrong. Brilliant storytelling within the lyrics, brilliant composition, and a brilliant listening experience. On a side note, I've actually used this song to introduce non-Maiden fans in my family to the band, and they all love it.
There's always been an easy way to see which song is coming next, though I ask those who figure it out not to spoil the surprise too often.Coincidence? I think not.