The Official LGBTQ Thread

Honestly, I am not sure that is a bad idea. I am certain there is a decent portion of the population regardless of orientation that would prefer the protections and benefits of marriage without the connotations of marriage.

There are already rights for co-habiting partners, this would be a reform of the system and an extension of those rights. However, it would be a major administrative exercise, and should be the subject of a seperate bill, rather than tacked onto the the gay marriage bill as an amendment. Critics have called it a 'killer amendment' because it now makes the gay marriage bill such a massive and complex piece of legislation that it's likely to fail in Parliament and be put on the back burner for another few years.
There are already rights for co-habiting partners

Did not know that .... something like it a civil union could be a decent option in states/countries that will not vote for outright marriage though
So I thought I'd post it here. Somewhere in the U.S (can't remember what state) An 18 year old young lady is being served with felony charges for having a relationship with a 14 year old girl. Apparently the big question is: Is she getting said felony charges for dating a minor or because she's a lesbian? Hell she might just be curious. Apparently it is socially acceptable for women to date women over men dating men. Or for women to have a "crazy year" in college. So I think it is ridiculous. I think the only reason she is in the news at all is because of the whole lesbian thing. Their are plenty of straight teens doing this who don't get caught and more that do...
Ridiculous that this took so long:
Homosexuals are allowed to join the scouts in the USA!

Still, homosexuals are not allowed to be adult leader.
The amount of discrimination and intolerance in the States keeps amazing me.
Even living in the Bible Belt as I do now, the effects of religion on everyday life is pretty minor.
So I thought I'd post it here. Somewhere in the U.S (can't remember what state) An 18 year old young lady is being served with felony charges for having a relationship with a 14 year old girl. Apparently the big question is: Is she getting said felony charges for dating a minor or because she's a lesbian? Hell she might just be curious. Apparently it is socially acceptable for women to date women over men dating men. Or for women to have a "crazy year" in college. So I think it is ridiculous. I think the only reason she is in the news at all is because of the whole lesbian thing. Their are plenty of straight teens doing this who don't get caught and more that do...

It is because it was a minor. There seems to be a case like this pop up every month (and oddly mostly in Florida) with a teacher having sex with a student, though normally it is a female teacher and male student ... those go to trial as felony charges as well and I wonder where the hell were these teachers when I was in school.
Ridiculous that this took so long:
Homosexuals are allowed to join the scouts in the USA!

Still, homosexuals are not allowed to be adult leader.
The amount of discrimination and intolerance in the States keeps amazing me.

Thursday's vote by the BSA's National Council. The proposal to lift the ban on openly gay youth — while keeping the ban on gay adults — was supported by about 60 percent of the council's 1,400 voting members.

You are basing an opinion based on 40% of 1400 people in a country of this size ... or 1400 people total?
It is because it was a minor. There seems to be a case like this pop up every month (and oddly mostly in Florida) with a teacher having sex with a student, though normally it is a female teacher and male student ... those go to trial as felony charges as well and I wonder where the hell were these teachers when I was in school.

I also think it's because of the age difference. I have a friend that used to be a probation officer for Sexual Offenders. He said that if you are within 2 grades, you won't find prosecution. I think that it gets a little fuzzy if you meet after the 'adult' person leaves school.
You are basing an opinion based on 40% of 1400 people in a country of this size ... or 1400 people total?
I had my opinion for a while time already, and this article is for me a confirmation of the notion that the acceptance of homosexuality goes slow in your nation.

Are you denying this? Do you think, boy scouting is not a good way to measure this issue? Do you think these 1400 people do not represent anyone else? Boy scouting does not represent a large group of people? Scouts are not influenced by others? They do not have any cultural background? They are not affiliated with the church at all?

Mind you, this is a way to look at it, but not the only way.
It's a piece of the puzzle, but not a small piece one in my opinion.
Perhaps you disagree with that and you find Scouting a small, unimportant organization having nothing to do with conservative forces such as the church.

What's your take on all this?
No, I do not think the Boy Scout board is a good way to measure this, the Boy Scouts in the US have reasonably strong ties to the Morman Church (at least they provide a ton of funding for it) and like most any organization, it is slow to change.

If you look at what the people of the US think, there are plenty of polls that suggest the US thought on gays is similar to most western countries ... and you see gay marriage being allowed in several states and it is pretty much a matter of time before that is nationwide.

Gallup poll .. 65% think homosexuality between consenting adults is fine 53% say gay marriage should be legal .. both up massively from 10 years ago .. and I do not see how anyone can argue that there has been a massive change in opinion and law over the past 10 years ... all signs point to things moving in the proper direction.

Reason-Ruppe poll

Following NBA player Jason Collins’ public announcement that he is gay, a quarter of Americans, 25 percent, believe having an openly gay athlete is a positive development for society. Seventeen percent say having an active athlete announce he is gay is a negative change for society and 57 percent feel it makes no impact.
An overwhelming number of Americans—87 percent—say their support would not change (77 percent) or would increase (10 percent) if their favorite athlete announced he or she is gay. Just 12 percent say they’d be less likely to support their favorite athlete after learning he or she is gay.
The Mormon church is of no importance? It is the fourth largest Christian denomination in the United States.

By the way, the article spoke of the Baptist church:
The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) is a United States-based Christian denomination. It is the world's largest Baptist denomination and the largest Protestant body in the United States, with nearly 16 million members as of 2012. This also makes it the second largest Christian body in the United States, after the Catholic Church. (wiki)

Remember, some churches have threatened to quit in response of the decision to admit gay scouts.

Back to this:
Even living in the Bible Belt as I do now, the effects of religion on everyday life is pretty minor.
When you read that article, how would you uphold that statement?
In the light of scouting being accessible to everyone, regardless of religion, race or sexual orientation.

Just to stress that we're not talking about some local club:

The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, with 2.7 million youth members and over 1 million adult volunteers. Since its founding in 1910 as part of the international Scout Movement, more than 110 million Americans have been members of the BSA. (wiki)
Sure, lot's of people go to church, it does not mean they abide my every church doctrine or follow them. Plenty of Catholics ate meat on Friday, some have abortions, some agree with gay marriage, etc. I think the problem is you treat everyone who belongs to a religion of being mindless drones. Sure, some are, but more are not ... and if some churches quit the scouting program over this decision, I would be some of it's members would remain in the scouts

All of this is evident that the majority of the counsel voted to allow gay scouts. So, they have gone from no openly gay scouts and no openly gay leaders to allowing openly gay scouts and no openly gay leaders. Ideal? no, better than it was last week? yes will be be better in the future? yes.

So, we have a large organization whose main selling point really is traditional values becoming more open to gays and you are seeing this as bad and how bad Americans are?

Even living in the Bible Belt as I do now, the effects of religion on everyday life is pretty minor.

I was referring to my life and I would assume any like me that choose to avoid churches. The only outward effects are that I cannot buy a car or Vodka on Sunday and beer/wine only after noon. Beyond that, the church has no meaningful impact on my life.
Sure, lot's of people go to church, it does not mean they abide my every church doctrine or follow them. Plenty of Catholics ate meat on Friday, some have abortions, some agree with gay marriage, etc. I think the problem is you treat everyone who belongs to a religion of being mindless drones. Sure, some are, but more are not ... and if some churches quit the scouting program over this decision, I would be some of it's members would remain in the scouts

All of this is evident that the majority of the counsel voted to allow gay scouts. So, they have gone from no openly gay scouts and no openly gay leaders to allowing openly gay scouts and no openly gay leaders. Ideal? no, better than it was last week? yes will be be better in the future? yes.
Well, we sure agree here.
So, we have a large organization whose main selling point really is traditional values becoming more open to gays and you are seeing this as bad and how bad Americans are?
Even living in the Bible Belt as I do now, the effects of religion on everyday life is pretty minor.

I was referring to my life and I would assume any like me that choose to avoid churches. The only outward effects are that I cannot buy a car or Vodka on Sunday and beer/wine only after noon. Beyond that, the church has no meaningful impact on my life.
Alright, well you are not homosexual. Do you know gays in Texas? And if so do they experience any problems, if I may ask?
Alright, well you are not homosexual. Do you know gays in Texas? And if so do they experience any problems, if I may ask?

I know some through work, we have one person in the office that had a gender changing operation .. at least at work, they do not seem to experience any issues. There are gay and lesbian bars in Dallas and Fort Worth, from what I understand there is a pretty large and open gay community in Austin. I would imagine it would be tougher in smaller towns (just guessing here and I would think that is universal), but in the large cities (Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth, San Antonio, El Paso) and immediate suburbs which accounts for the vast majority of the population, schools have LGBT clubs, there are sections of the city that cater to gays, etc. Pretty much like most of the country. I would imagine there are isolated incidents, but you do not see mobs going down the street shouting ant-gay slogans.
Foro, I think you may be forgetting just how large America is.
I would not be quick to slap Holland, let alone Europe, with a homophobic label because there happened to be a prominent anti-gay sentiment in, say Friesland.
My experience has largely been limited to the west coast, but homosexuality is certainly visible in cities like Seattle and San Francisco. Would it be so visible in rural Oregon? I doubt it, but wouldn't that be true in parts of Europe as well?
I know you are focusing on national policies, but you aren't talking about a nation that is as compact as Holland.
It's about inertia. America may seem to be slower to change on social issues but thats because you're steering an aircraft carrier, not a speedboat.
Don't forget, I am also focusing on laws. There may be some anti-gay sentiment in our bible belt, but by law, homosexuals can't be discriminated. By law, they are allowed to participate in the whole country. In some matters, in the US, the anti-gay people have the law behind them instead of against them, and that's bad.