The Official LGBTQ Thread

Announcing, of course. Why would I congratulate him for being gay, it'd be like congratulating someone for having brown hair.
I've seen this at my school (congratulating someone for being gay, not having brown hair), it's odd,to say the least.
@ Cornfed

You got into too much detail. I meant it in the sense of being natural, not genetic. It was the first example to spring to my mind.
Contrary to what you guys believe, I've NEVER got into details on this forum. Fear what could have been. :D
I've NEVER got into details on this forum.
He is not the first pro athlete to come out, but he is the first active pro athlete (in the 4 major US sports) to come out. He is a free agent this year, but I would assume someone will pick him up. He is a decent player even at this stage of his career.
I think it is as genetic and natural as being born blind or deaf....

There is strong evidence that many homosexuals were victims of abuse as children. Yet many more were not. Personally I don't care what caused a person to be or choose said "life style" as our conservative friends call it, as it is irrelevant in the fact that they should have the same protection and rights under the state afforded to all... including the deaf and blind ;)
This was posted on my Facebook:

The I-35W bridge will be lit like this tonight in recognition of marriage equality in Minnesota.

That is too amazing to see!
Nice to see MN pass the law, there has been a pretty massive group of states allowing this lately. I am not sure I would light up the bridge though, there are decent sized groups of people that are against this, I would not rub it in.
Nice to see MN pass the law, there has been a pretty massive group of states allowing this lately. I am not sure I would light up the bridge though, there are decent sized groups of people that are against this, I would not rub it in.

A Stanley Cup playoff victory over the Red Wings on the other hand? ;-)
That would call for rubbing it in .. now that I mention it .. we had a playoff win against MN ... that bridge should have Indian feathers!

EU poll highlights homophobic abuse
A quarter of gay people surveyed in a major EU poll say they have been subjected to attacks or violent threats in the past five years.

...... "Look how easily political opinion is being manipulated in Europe, how certain rhetoric can provoke violence, and it is very easy for people to go back into the closet," he said.

"Look at France, which used to be considered a very liberal, very open country. Now it is scary for a gay couple to walk hand in hand in Paris because of the increase in violence."

The EU survey suggests Lithuania has one of the worst records for homophobic behaviour. Tomas Vytautas Raskevicius, project assistant at the Lithuanian Gay League, told the BBC: "Lithuania has one of the highest suicide rates in Europe.

"We have this real feeling that a lot of suicides are connected to homophobic bullying. The authorities don't talk about it out loud, and the daily harassment and remarks in the streets and public places is very widespread." ....


Thousands of Georgians have protested in the capital Tbilisi against a gay rights rally being held to mark the international day against homophobia.

They broke through police barricades and carried stinging nettles with which to beat activists. Some posters read: "We don't need Sodom and Gomorrah".

Police were forced to bus the 50 or so activists out of the city centre to avoid further violence.
Several people, including a journalist and a police officer, were injured.

The protests followed comments from the head of the Georgian Orthodox Church. ....

... This wasn't a crowd of right-wing extremists. These were ordinary Georgians: many were respectable-looking older women, well-dressed young men or elderly grandfathers.
Led by priests from the Georgian Orthodox Church, with long white beards and dressed in flowing black cassocks, the fired-up crowd easily broke through police lines ....

Finland's song in Eurovision was a form of protest vs the NO against gay marriage in their country, earlier this year.
I'm not surprised by that map... Well, except Spain, surprisingly low and I'm glad, but the other countries with high incidents, They're not exactly "progressive" either economically or socially.
There are 20 million plus people in New York State, 8 million in New York City ... 22 cases (while ideally it would be 0) is not really much to be alarmed about.
That is your opinion. I am not going to downplay a figure being almost twice as high as last year.
I would be willing to bet there were more attacks in New York at sports bars over Mets v Yankees, Jets v Giants, Nets v Knicks, or Rangers v Islanders. Some people are just assholes ... this is certainly no widespread movement.