So let me see: they have Wrathchild, which bores me to tears; Great Unknown, which I can't stand, Powerslave, which I find the most overrated song in Maiden's catalogue; NOTB, which I'm so tired of; and they dropped Hallowed. Yay, can't wait.
I'm looking forward hearing it live! My favourite on the album.Same here. I think it's an awesome song. And Bruce sounds damn good on it!
Allow me to say something positive.So let me see: they have Wrathchild, which bores me to tears; Great Unknown, which I can't stand, Powerslave, which I find the most overrated song in Maiden's catalogue; NOTB, which I'm so tired of; and they dropped Hallowed. Yay, can't wait.
Re: Blaze. That depends on the songs. Not this setlist. Bruce was very fit but indeed did not sing tremendously good in all songs. Maybe he needs to warm up and it'll go better a few shows later. I am very confident about a new album.Also, off the chart but, after watching a few vids I have a little less confidence in a new Maiden album. I think Bruce is beat. I know its only the first night but I think he is treading water at this stage. When he is good he is great but he is often pish. Still, the band can do it so bring Blaze back, at least he knows how to stay in his range..
It is a very difficult song to sing. It's not as if it sounds very different on the album. I should rewatch the vid, maybe I have missed something. Perhaps Maiden selected this one because other new options were more difficult for the other guys. The Man of Sorrows certainly is, I'd say.It is bit sad seeing Bruce struggle during TGU. Great harmony and solo section though.
It is a very difficult song to sing. It's not as if it sound very different on the album. I should rewatch the vid, maybe I have missed something. Perhaps Maiden selected this one because other new options were more difficult for the other guys. The Man of Sorrows certainly is, I'd say.
Was I right about the number nine? Including Powerslave and COTD?I'm not going to go into any details as to why I find Powerslave nothing more than an average song. Those who have been following Maiden survivors and the best solo survivor already know this.It simply does nothing for me, regardless of how sublime Dave's playing might be.
As for the setlist, I think I'm mostly looking forward to seeing The Red and The Black.
Indeed. This wasn't that bad as some I heard.I seem to recall Bruce sounding a lot worse in the first few shows of last year's tour relative to later on, especially on TBOS. It takes a few shows to get warmed up.
These comments sound more exaggerating than not having love for Powerslave. Not sure what you call a "world" tour. Time will tell.Hallowed got dropped cos he couldn't sing it (speculation) then this surely is the beginning of the end. If he is so fucked, as I judge him to be, then there is little chance that he can do another world tour. Maybe 6 more Bruce solo albums but a full Maiden album/tour, no chance.
I saw Children of the Damned in 2007.Was I right about the number nine? Including Powerslave and COTD?