And the trolling on begins. This is the first of many versions of the set. It's a short one.
to change it up a bit, lets talk about merchandise.... I'd like to see a proper tour book this time as well as some other goodies besides clothes... Loozies would be cool and cups and sh*t.. I am not holding a poster during the concert so that is out. I am either bringing my seventh son backpack or hoping the BOS backpack is for sale there to store stuff in.
The thing is that they won't do history tours anymore. That was stated by various band members. Touring is also a lot more phisically demanding than making an album. Janick also said that only thing that can keep them touring is new music. Look at Rush, they quit touring last year (Neil is the same age as Nicko and has even worse arthritis), but they haven't ruled out another album.
I'm hoping for a bunch of cool shirt designs, preferably of songs they are playing this time.
I think it will probably be an re-release of Live At Donnington in late 2017. While they hopefully work on a new album. Also from IMFC magazine 100, Steve stated that Bruce and Adrian wanted to make another album directly after Book Of Souls, but Steve was mentally worn out because of the family losses and then Bruce's illness was discovered.
Well, I consider TRATB as well as the title track to be the 2 big epics which will be so amazing because along with doing all of AMOLAD and The Talisman and Wild Wind from FF, this will make a 3rd album tour in which Maiden has done a few big epics if you include Hallowed as well. No, I take that back. For Brave New World, they did Sign and Clansman as well as Dream Of Mirrors. Wow, it's really been some amazing years of touring with all these big epics being performed.
Andto the lurker named Iron Maiden who I keep seeing likes from.
I hope you'll be able to make one the upcoming shows.
AMOLAD is also the only album not represented on any official live recordings too