The Official Book of Souls Tour 2016 Thread (Warning: Spoilers within!)

Some British and Irish Arena dates would be good but not holding out much hope....
Im holding out all the hope! I just cant see how they would have only 1 UK date. I think its a cert that they will do UK/Ireland tour consisting of approx 10 dates. Most likely early 2017 but hopefully at the end of this year, finish up in London around Christmas. Hopefully they play Belfast and Dublin but they havent done that in a while.

Does anyone really think they will only play Donnington and no other UK/Irish gigs at some point under the banner 'Book of Souls Tour'?
Under the first leg of the tour, yes, unless they throw in something in London right at the end. I do believe what I've heard suggested about a UK tour at a later date, but that was only five venues.
Steve said something about 'playing most places in the UK' so 5 dates could just about cover the major areas. But I think 5 dates is more likely if they add it on to the first leg. If they come out for a separate 2nd leg then I think it would make sense to do closer to 10 dates, like TFF.

Either way, everyone in the UK and Ireland be able to make it to at least 1 show. I hope!
So China, Tokyo and Luxembourg dates have been added. There can't be many more left to come.
I don't recall what happened when dates came out for TFF tour (or ME for that matter); do they usually confirm if that's all the dates they're announcing? Either way, as you say, there aren't many gaps left, so that's go to be pretty nearly it. I see one or two gaps where the odd gig might still fit, but only a couple.
Does anyone really think they will only play Donnington and no other UK/Irish gigs at some point under the banner 'Book of Souls Tour'?
I fucking hope not.
Under the first leg of the tour, yes, unless they throw in something in London right at the end. I do believe what I've heard suggested about a UK tour at a later date, but that was only five venues.
But I think 5 dates is more likely if they add it on to the first leg. If they come out for a separate 2nd leg then I think it would make sense to do closer to 10 dates, like TFF.
Yip, makes sense.
I think a really nice backdrop for TOAC would be Eddie and Robin sitting there arm in arm or something that involves the 2 of them.
Steve said something about 'playing most places in the UK' so 5 dates could just about cover the major areas. But I think 5 dates is more likely if they add it on to the first leg. If they come out for a separate 2nd leg then I think it would make sense to do closer to 10 dates, like TFF.

Either way, everyone in the UK and Ireland be able to make it to at least 1 show. I hope!

Maybe they are doing an arena European/UK leg without Ed Force One later this year (November). There are still some areas of Europe that haven't got any dates like Greece and former Yugoslavian countries (although we Slovenians have Trieste nearby :)).
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I really don't think this setlist is legit. 1) There is too much Brave New World, not that it's a bad thing. 2) It's all out of order. 3) Children of the Damned as the song "They Never Play"? C'mon! Gimme a break! 4) It's very unlikely that Wasted Years will be on this tour seeing as it was part of the Maiden England tour for the last 3 years. They even said that majority of the songs from that tour wouldn't be played again for a very long time.
The only thing I could see this being legit for would be that this is the list of songs China wants them to play. This sounds more like a Chinese Fan's dream setlist rather than one Maiden would actually do. As for the 6 songs from The Book of Souls... I actually think those might be right. Good selection.
We should make a specific thread for Vegas in a week or so, and likewise for Chicago in about a month. Just to hammer out all the details and get a role call. I'm pretty sure we discussed meeting at bars for both since no one really has a home base ...?
I really don't think this setlist is legit. 1) There is too much Brave New World, not that it's a bad thing. 2) It's all out of order. 3) Children of the Damned as the song "They Never Play"? C'mon! Gimme a break! 4) It's very unlikely that Wasted Years will be on this tour seeing as it was part of the Maiden England tour for the last 3 years. They even said that majority of the songs from that tour wouldn't be played again for a very long time.
The only thing I could see this being legit for would be that this is the list of songs China wants them to play. This sounds more like a Chinese Fan's dream setlist rather than one Maiden would actually do. As for the 6 songs from The Book of Souls... I actually think those might be right. Good selection.

It's supposed to be a list of the songs submitted to the Chinese authorities for approval, so not necessarily a final setlist either for the China shows or for any other show. The Chinese guy who put it up on the FC Forum is being taken seriously by everyone there and says it came from a Chinese government website. It's been suggested that it's not in order of eventual play if agreed, has been tailored to get past Chinese censorship rules, and some songs are backups in case others aren't agreed - hence a glut of BNW and two quite long songs. If it is a genuine document, it does at least give us some idea of some songs they're likely to be rehearsing now or planning to rehearse very shortly. They can resubmit lists to the Chinese authorities closer to the date if songs are rejected, but wouldn't get time to rehearse a lot of other stuff.
Bruce seemed pretty adamant that "The Number of the Beast" was going to get an extended break during the media blitz back in September, so I wouldn't be surprised if that one was only featured in China.
Bruce seemed pretty adamant that "The Number of the Beast" was going to get an extended break during the media blitz back in September, so I wouldn't be surprised if that one was only featured in China.

Pretty sure he said that about Run To The Hills and was misinterpreted by some media.

From Iron Maiden's Facebook!

It's getting closer!! :D