The Official Book of Souls Tour 2016 Thread (Warning: Spoilers within!)

Some people are saying FTTB was a mess, and the tickets scanners weren't working too well.
From around me I can tell there were issues with scanning credit cards. I don't know how they bought tickets like that but scanning e-tickets and paper ones didn't seem to be problematic...
A lot people still outside the venue:


and an image inside during the tra concert:

I know sharing live streams of the show is against the rules, but I'm sure this will be okay, considering it is from inside the venue, but before the show. I mean he's probably just killing time. I doubt he's going to record the show.

But seriously, I don't think posting this is bad, because right now there's nothing to see... And is it really our fault if he decides to film things he shouldn't later?
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