The Marvel Thread (Spoilers, and language!)

That Shield finale. Holy... what the... that...

The torch has been passed. AoS finale was better than Ultron. Jed out-Whedoned Joss.

There's one other item that ought to be addressed...
Holy shit....just, wow...holy shit.

I remember when I started watching Buffy and thought, "this is pretty cool. Kinda lame, but pretty cool." Then midway through Season Two, I was freaking out at my television and having a legitimately powerful emotional response. I just had that same reaction watching this week's SHIELD finale. I'm just...flabbergasted.
I was so blown away by the finale, my short post above took 20 minutes to write. That long to find any words at all. Now I've had some time to think.

Total spoilers within: Agents of Shield, Avengers, Daredevil (finally finished it), everything.

Madame Gao in Daredevil appeared to be from China, but said she actually came from somewhere much farther away. Since China and Hell's Kitchen are already pretty far apart, I don't think she means Earth. Of course, Afterlife appeared to be in China and alien connections. Further, the terrigen is now loose in the ocean, and at least will get popped as fish oil pills. (Just like Stan Lee drinking Hulk's blood in a Brazilian soda.)

So, there's going to be a lot of deaths from the terrigen, but a significant number of Inhumans will pop up with powers. We all know how this points to Civil War, that's been covered well. But I also expect Gao to show up with a bunch of Inhumans in Daredevil 2, and I bet she has a different connection to the Kree than terrigen from the ocean. We know an Inhumans movie is coming eventually; perhaps the setup for that movie will come from Daredevil, at least in part.

Let's talk about Hands. Long-dead Victoria Hand got a name drop in Shield. Coulson lost his hand, and it's getting pointed out everywhere that someone has lost a hand/arm in every Phase 2 property. Bucky, Nebula, Groot (both!), Klaw, Loki faked it as part of his fake death. I don't recall who lost one in Daredevil at the moment. The setup for Daredevil 2 points towards Vanessa leading some version of The Hand (a criminal gang that eventually comes to support Kingpin in the comics). I don't know if all of this means anything, or if the whole arm-losing thing is just a big Empire Strikes Back tribute. (The death of Jiaying had a very Luke/Vader/Emperor feel to it, yes?)

If Fitz remembers unlocking the door for that batch of I Can't Believe It's Not Carbonite ... total Fitz freakout. That actor always hits those out of the park. SCIENCE BIATCH
You have an interesting idea with Gao, but I don't think it's the right one :P I think she's from K'un-Lun, and that she'll re-appear in Iron Fist's show.

And my theory is that Simmons will become Moonstone from the comics.
I've got a guess about Simmons.

When season 3 starts, she's out of the rock just fine and makes her date with Fitz. No other characters know. Maybe even Simmons doesn't remember. What the rock did to her before it let her go gets revealed as the season goes on.
I've got a guess about Simmons.

When season 3 starts, she's out of the rock just fine and makes her date with Fitz. No other characters know. Maybe even Simmons doesn't remember. What the rock did to her before it let her go gets revealed as the season goes on.

Based on the way modern TV storytelling works, I'd be inclined to agree. It's the same way they handled the Coulson thing in Season One.
That'd be my preferred solution, but there's one thing that might prevent it: they surely have cameras inside. They'd be stupid not to.
That'd be my preferred solution, but there's one thing that might prevent it: they surely have cameras inside. They'd be stupid not to.

Yes... those cameras would be one of things they'd turn to during the episode, the presence of cameras doesn't prevent this at all.
Because the AoS finale aired less than a week ago, so we're giving people a chance to catch up.

Stuff that doesn't involve AoS doesn't have to be spoilered.
We're now far enough past the release of Ultron and the end of Shield. No more spoiler tags are required in this thread until Ant-Man.

My theory about Ragnarok:

Thor left Earth knowing that someone is trying to assemble the Infinity Gauntlet. We saw Thanos take the glove itself from Asgard at the end of Ultron. Also, the Asgardians know the Collector has at least one stone. Thor should learn of the glove's theft and the events of GotG soon.

"Odin" is actually Loki, and in Shield season 1 he had Sif capture Lorelei. I predict Loki and Lorelei working with Thanos behind Thor's back: glove and Tesseract in exchange for killing Thor, ensuring Loki's rule. This is the battle that leads to (or is) Ragnarok.

In Shield season 2, Sif came to Earth chasing a Kree. Why? Is Asgard at war with the Kree? I predict some Kree will be the force Thanos brings to Ragnarok, another headache for Thor to deal with. After all, we've already seen Thanos work with one Kree, why not more? I also predict this Kree involvement will drop some easter eggs to set up Inhumans down the road. I'm not saying the Kree will be a big thing in Ragnarok, but we'll see some.

Of course, Ragnarok is supposed to be the death of the gods, but I'm guessing Marvel won't kill Thor before Infinity War. (I don't know how many movies Hemsworth has left on his contract, but I think he's in through Infinity War.) There is a type of scene that has occurred in Marvel Comics on multiple occasions when Thanos (or another big celestial baddie) comes to Earth. A hero (usually a very powerful one like Thor) falls to Earth in advance, bloodied and near-dead, uttering one word of warning: "Thanos!". In the original Infinity Gauntlet comic, this hero was Silver Surfer falling into Dr. Strange's living room. Dr. Strange could well be involved with this scene - remember Dr. Strange is out a year before Ragnarok - but I predict the hero will be Thor because Fox has the rights to the Surfer.

Where that scene gets placed in Phase 3 is the question. End of Ragnarok? If so, part of main movie or the after-credit stinger? Start of Infinity War, like it starts the Infinity Gauntlet comic? In any case, I predict we'll get at least Thor crashing bloodied to Earth because of Ragnarok, warning of Thanos, at some point in Phase 3.