I got shit seats. Like shittiest possible. Think 3 columns of seats, the sides with just 5 seats each... I got the first row on the side, my neck hurts. And 3D didn't help...
Movie was freaking awesome. I think TWS and GOTG are better, but I think AoU's in 3rd place, which is still a great thing, considering TWS and GOTG are masterpieces. There was so much cool action, so much humor, much more character development for Hawkeye, Widow, twins were great, Ultron was fucking awesome. They really worked on developing Widow and Hawkeye more and I loved it. The others already had 3 to 4 of their own movies, so they didn't need much backstory. Thor was kind of underutilized... but that's OK. I'm OK with him just being the muscle here, he'll have his spotlight in Ragnarok.
Minor complaints... none that important, plus they announced there's gonna be an extended cut:
- Thor pool detour... wtf was that all about... hope they clear it up in the extended cut
- Fury with Hellicarrier... wish they didn't mention SHIELD, but they fixed it in the end... he just probably had it stashed and gave it to the Avengers and will work with them now and won't interfere with Coulson's SHIELD in AoS
- Quicksilver died

I hope they resurrect him, don't give a shit how, he was quite badass.