So, just back from seeing Guardians of the Galaxy (ty Prowler for the competition link). Little goodie bag on all the seats, nothing fancy, a poster a drink and some choclate to eat, and a speech from a Marvel exec beforehand to explain that it was being shown at the same time as the european premiere in London. Anyway...
... I think that might be my favourite of all of Marvels films to date. Audience laughing like crazy, film was really funny but didn't feel forced at any point, or that it took away from the drama of the situations. There was a few real heartfelt moments in there and some nice little easter eggs. I'll be going to see it again when it comes out for sure, both because I thoroughly enjoyed it and because (sadly) there was no after credits scene on the early showing

Bit of swearing in there and one joke that kids won't get but adults will, something I was really surprised they got in there tbh.
If anyone wants to ask anything, I shall respond either in PM or with spoiler tags. But I don't suspect anyone does want to ask because it's only another week to wait anyway.
Other than that I have two words:
Oh, my first time seeing a film in 3D. It took a bit of getting used to, it definitely made it cooler but if I had to see it without I would hardly be unhappy.