I've mentioned it before, but you probably just missed it. No problem there.Thanks, Cried! A lot stuff you just wrote explains a lot. And you had never told out here that you've seen these movies so often. Must have missed it if you did.
That's sadly my general view of films for you.On the contrary: your writings up here have been so bluntly negative that I had trouble with taking it seriously.
I don't want to come across as slightly talked out here; but I probably am. I spent loads of time online years ago thrashing all this stuff out with people when the films came out. Hence why I don't want to get into a blow-by-blow criticism of, for example, the LotRs films.This last post changed this somewhat. It was more serious than ever, showed more interest in the films than ever, and it explains your point of view.
I'm meaning it in a "why does the detail of this matter to you (Foro)?"; meaning these points are interesting enough, but do not change or influence the thrust of my own argument i.e. it doesn't matter to me, particularly, the mechanism by which, for example, Tauriel arrived on screen. She's there; I don't think it works; I don't think it's particularly respectful in terms of adaptation. And this can mean Jackson & Co. just misjudged it, or that they made the addition in full knowledge that it was totally un-Tolkien. One is bad; the second is unforgivable. (Of course, as discussed, it might have been neither of these; it might have been studio pressure.)But stop saying "does it matter?" or "I don't care", because apparently I do care, in relation to see what you are trying to say, and that's why we're on a discussion forum.
Reverence perhaps.What is it about Tolkien's work that makes it unadaptable?
By the way: he wanted to do 2 LOTD films?
Maybe I'm wrong, but I think I've read somewhere that they scrapped Bombadil, because he didn't fit Jackson's vision of cinematic LotR. Like he was too fairy tale-ish or something...If we'd have 2 films, who knows how many other chapters were scrapped (remember Tom Bombadil?).
I'm sure he was pulled all over the place & put under lots of pressure; some of the stuff he has said tells & hints at the compromises & negotiations that happened to deliver the three films to the screen. And that's a shame & I have great sympathy for people who creatively have to compromise in this respect. But this is why Hollywood is basically incapable of making anything of any truly great artistic value. Sure, some get through. But the vision required for such projects is always going to be compromised by the collaborative nature of how film production seems/needs to work and by commercial interests. Of course this happens everywhere in life, it's just sad to see it pulling down the media of film. Massive franchises and mass-appeal productions are of no interest to me. I think they're dominance is killing cinema.By trying to look at how much Jackson could decide himself with his wife and that other woman, I was wondering if we could deduce the influence from the studios.
That's the way I understood it too; something like that.He initially thought he could only get money for 2. New Line offered to make it 3 and Jackson jumped at it.
Indeed, a difficult ask for any studio to make that kind of commitment. LotRs was ground-breaking in that respect; with Jackson filming three films before releasing them separately. I just don't think artistically it was worth doing though.Aha! So, who knows he also wanted to do 3 films (from a creative point of view), since the beginning, but was afraid he couldn't pay for the 3rd himself. Fair enough.
Especially not when we care a lot about the book. In no way, these Tolkien films have grabbed me so much as the first time I read the stories. But I think I've managed to accept that. I still like to see lesser forms of this story. It's quite a harmless addition to something I like and not some replacement.Book to film/TV adaptations are never satisfying enough IMO.
I have finally seen some Potter films (because I've finally done some books) and the difference with the books is pretty big indeed!If it's a movie, it has to cut out a lot of stuff (unless it's a really short book). Harry Potter films, for example, are more like trailers for books because they miss a lot of characters and storylines, simplify a lot of storylines and sacrifice storylines for action scenes.
If it's a TV show, it's usually made to last for a couple of seasons and showrunners usually decide to change a lot of stuff from the books just to make it more interesting
Limited mini-series seems like the best solution, but series' have a much smaller budget than movies.
Harmless to you, maybe. While I'd like to believe this is the general viewpoint of many, I just don't think it's the case. If you look online now, Tolkien's world is dominated by film derived imagery. And people do not differentiate between these two things.Especially not when we care a lot about the book. In no way, these Tolkien films have grabbed me so much as the first time I read the stories. But I think I've managed to accept that. I still like to see lesser forms of this story. It's quite a harmless addition to something I like and not some replacement.
I can't say I disagree.They eviscerated the book by making it an action movie... reduced the aesthetic and philosophical impact of the creation to nothing.
This is a really good point actually. I can definitely relate to this now finally reading the books, when reading Tolkien's descriptions of the various locations and characters of Middle Earth, it's Peter Jackson's vision of the world that I picture. It sort of gets in the way of the imagination. And I haven't even really seen the movies.Harmless to you, maybe. While I'd like to believe this is the general viewpoint of many, I just don't think it's the case. If you look online now, Tolkien's world is dominated by film derived imagery. And people do not differentiate between these two things.
That's one element of what I meant. So, yeh, it's kind of sad to read that. Having said this, one could argue that everyone pre-Jackson was just as influenced by other adapdations; namely radio adaptations like the BBC's & artistic interpretations of Middle-earth by artists like John Howe, Alan Lee, Ted Nasmith, etc. These were pretty small contributions in comparison though. The scale & coverage that Jackson's film version(s) command, in the media arena, absolutely dwarves (!) the influence these other adaptations made; so much so, as I said, that they even dominate the book themselves in the popular imagination. It's the massive global influence these films have had that I have issues with; as well as the massive profits they have generated for people totally unconnected with the creator.This is a really good point actually. I can definitely relate to this now finally reading the books, when reading Tolkien's descriptions of the various locations and characters of Middle Earth, it's Peter Jackson's vision of the world that I picture. It sort of gets in the way of the imagination. And I haven't even really seen the movies.
This is the other point I didn't really make. Tolkien is dead, we can't change that. But at least George R. R. Martin, Rowling, George Lucas, etc --these guys have all retained some creative control over the adaptations of their work. Additionally, they are sharing in the profits these adaptations have made, as they should.Someone brought up Harry Potter, it's a similar thing but there's a major difference in J.K. Rowling being around to approve everything. I haven't seen all the HP movies yet, but so far a lot of what I've seen matches up really well with what I picture when reading the books. So I see where Foro is coming from with "harmless addition". That's how I feel about the HP movies, I look at them more as supplements to the books. A way of visualizing some of the more action packed scenes and adding faces/voices to the characters. But they are not definitive versions of the stories by any stretch and don't try to outdo the books. I'm hoping that the LOTR movies will come off in a similar way, though bearing in mind that Tolkien had no involvement.
The "original author's" adaptation? Don't you mean the author's original? Tolkien didn't adapt his own work.I think Cried's point about the dominance of visual imagery from a movie is valid for almost any film adaptation of a book. I'm just not convinced that any director's film adaptation is any more or less valid than the original author's.
That's not Jackson's "fault". It's the choice of the reader, reading it for the first time after being exposed to Jackson's products.This is a really good point actually. I can definitely relate to this now finally reading the books, when reading Tolkien's descriptions of the various locations and characters of Middle Earth, it's Peter Jackson's vision of the world that I picture.
... when you replied in a manner I didn't and still don't understand:Read all before watching: first shape your own imagination of Middle Earth!
This man isn't to be trusted, Mosh...![]()
Exposed; do you note your own intersting choice of language there? Jackson's vision is difficult to avoid; your own imagination is exposed, unprotected, dominated by another. Pretty hard to be this exposed to a book.That's not Jackson's "fault". It's the choice of the reader, reading it after being exposed to Jackson's vision.
Yes, you can watch them in the order of your choosing. But before you make that decision you've probably already been exposed to some element of Jackons's films, unless you are some sort of media hermit. In respect to "merch"; broadly, no, I don't think you can avoid Peter Jackson's Middle-earth, particularly online.I mean, can we all agree that there is a choice to first read the books and then see the films, or even be confronted by merch?
I'm being a pedant & taking the piss out of you (although you're not the only one here to mis-spell it) for writing Middle Earth...... when you replied in a manner I didn't and still don't understand:
Don't be a pedant. You know what I mean.The "original author's" adaptation? Don't you mean the author's original? Tolkien didn't adapt his own work.