The J.R.R. Tolkien Topic (publications and adaptations)

I went to see the movie on Tuesday with a friend. We got there, but there were no tickets left for that whole night. I guess I'll have to wait for next year :P
I'm probably the last person in the entire world to see this film, but I'll use spoilers just in case...

I really enjoyed it, the landscapes looked amazing, and despite the length of the film, I didn't feel it dragged too much. I was particularly impressed by:
Smaug - that was one convincing and mean dragon.
The way they depicted Esgaroth and its people. Inspired by a lot of 15th to 17th Century stuff, and carried off that historical atmosphere better, in my opinion, than many historical non-fantasy films.

A couple of observations, not exactly gripes, because it was all nicely made and good fun
The spiders scene in Mirkwood wasn't nearly as much fun as the book version, I wanted to see Bilbo taunt and insult the spiders!
Similarly, Bilbo didn't shine as much as he could have in the scene with Smaug, it was all overshadowed slightly by the lengthy dragon chase action scene which followed.
There was a lot of material that wasn't in The Hobbit, although I think a lot of that, particularly the sub-plot with Sauron and the rise of the orcs, should fit together nicely with the final Hobbit film. The romantic plot wasn't necessary, but I don't think it detracted from the film.

Initial impression is I enjoyed the first film more, mainly because some of the scenes were very similar to the way I imagined them when I first read the book.
But no harm done, I can't wait for the next installment. :)
Just came in from watching Jackson's H...

First thoughts: What in the fuck was that?! That, just as a film, was a total fucking mess. Tolkien? Spinning in his grave I'd suggest. Awful.
Come on guys, that was a pretty poor film. This comes from a guy who saw FR (something like) six times at the cinema. I'm not going to start listing stuff, I just thought it was really, really poor.
FR? Fellowship of the Ring?

Meh. I'm really not chuffed by whether or not you felt it was poor - if you don't want to, don't see it again. I, however, will continue to give Peter Jackson my money.