The Great ALEVIVOR Sleeps At Last... WINNERS!

Vote for your LEAST favorite song!

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

"Keelhauled" bites the dust, which means that the winner of the first ALEVIVOR is...

A worthy winner all-told! Thanks for playing, everyone! Sad to see it come to an end, but it's been fun.


Top 10
01. Drink
02. Keelhauled
03. Captain Morgan's Revenge
04. Mexico
05. Fucked with an Anchor
06. Shipwrecked
07. Sunk'n Norwegian
08. Sunset on the Golden Age
09. 1741 (The Battle of Cartagena)
10. Wenches & Mead

The entire game, round-by-round:



-Round 1:
The Glorious Battle (4)
*Journey Man (7)
The Curse of Captain Morgan (4)
Over The Seas
Captain Morgan's Revenge
The Huntmaster
Nancy the Tavern Wench
Death Before The Mast (5)
Terror on the High Seas (3)
Set Sail and Conquer (5)
Of Treasure (1)
Wenches & Mead
Flower of Scotland (2)
*Weiber und Wein (6)
*Heavy Metal Pirates (6)

-Round 2:
The Glorious Battle (3)
*The Curse of Captain Morgan (5)
Over The Seas
Captain Morgan's Revenge
*The Huntmaster (5)
Nancy the Tavern Wench (1)
*Death Before The Mast (5)
Terror on the High Seas (3)
Set Sail and Conquer (3)
Of Treasure (1)
Wenches & Mead
Flower of Scotland (2)

-Round 3:
*The Glorious Battle (5)
Over The Seas
Captain Morgan's Revenge
Nancy the Tavern Wench (2)
*Terror on the High Seas (4)
Set Sail and Conquer (3)
Of Treasure (2)
Wenches & Mead
*Flower of Scotland (5)
The Quest (1)
Leviathan (2)
That Famous Ol' Spiced (3)
To the Ends of Our Days (3)
Black Sails at Midnight (1)
No Quarter (2)
Pirate Song (1)
*Chronicles of Vengeance (4)
Wolves of the Sea
*P Is For Pirate (4)

-Round 4:
Over The Seas (2)
Captain Morgan's Revenge
Nancy The Tavern Wench (3)
Set Sail and Conquer (3)
*Of Treasure (4)
Wenches & Mead
The Quest (2)
Leviathan (2)
*That Famous Ol' Spiced (5)
To the Ends of Our Days (3)
Black Sails At Midnight (2)
No Quarter (3)
Pirate Song (2)
Wolves of the Sea (2)

-Round 5:
Over The Seas (2)
Captain Morgan's Revenge
*Nancy The Tavern Wench (3)
*Set Sail and Conquer (5)
Wenches & Mead
*The Quest (3)
Leviathan (1)
To the Ends of Our Days (2)
Black Sails At Midnight (2)
*No Quarter (3)
Pirate Song (2)
*Wolves of the Sea (3)

-Round 6:
Over The Seas (2)
Captain Morgan's Revenge
Wenches & Mead (1)
Leviathan (2)
To the Ends of Our Days (3)
Black Sails At Midnight (2)
Pirate Song (2)
Back Through Time (2)
Shipwrecked (1)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (2)
*Midget Saw (5)
*Buckfast Powersmash (6)
Scraping the Barrel (2)
Rum (3)
Swashbuckled (2)
*Rumpelkombo (6)
Barrett's Privateers (3)
Death Throes of the Terrorsquid

-Round 7:
Over The Seas (2)
Captain Morgan's Revenge
Wenches & Mead
Leviathan (3)
To the Ends of Our Days (3)
Black Sails At Midnight (2)
Pirate Song (2)
Back Through Time (3)
Shipwrecked (1)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (1)
Scraping the Barrel (1)
Rum (3)
Swashbuckled (3)
Barrett's Privateers (2)
Death Throes of the Terrorsquid
*I Am a Cider Drinker (5)
*You Are a Pirate (4)

-Round 8:
Over The Seas (3)
Captain Morgan's Revenge
Wenches & Mead
Leviathan (3)
Keelhauled (1)
*To the Ends of Our Days (5)
Black Sails At Midnight (2)
Pirate Song (3)
Back Through Time (3)
Shipwrecked (1)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (1)
Scraping the Barrel (2)
*Rum (4)
*Swashbuckled (4)
Barrett's Privateers (3)
Death Throes of the Terrorsquid
*In The Navy (5)

-Round 9
Over The Seas (3)
Captain Morgan's Revenge
Wenches & Mead
*Leviathan (4)
Keelhauled (2)
Black Sails at Midnight (3)
Pirate Song (2)
*Back Through Time (4)
Shipwrecked (1)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (2)
Scraping the Barrel (2)
Barrett's Privateers (2)
Death Throes of the Terrorsquid (2)

-Round 10
Over The Seas (4)
Captain Morgan's Revenge
Wenches & Mead (1)
Keelhauled (1)
Black Sails at Midnight (2)
Pirate Song (3)
Shipwrecked (2)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (1)
Scraping the Barrel (2)
Barrett's Privateers (3)
Death Throes of the Terrorsquid
Walk the Plank (1)
Drink (1)
Magnetic North
1741 (The Battle of Cartagena) (1)
Mead from Hell (2)
Surf Squid Warfare (2)
Quest for Ships (3)
*Wooden Leg (5)
Hangover (1)
Sunset on the Golden Age
*Oceans of Treasure (5)
*Rumpelkombo (Part III) (6)
*Questing Upon the Poop Deck (5)

-Round 11
Over The Seas (3)
Captain Morgan's Revenge
Wenches & Mead (1)
Keelhauled (1)
Black Sails at Midnight (2)
*Pirate Song (4)
Shipwrecked (2)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (3)
*Scraping the Barrel (4)
*Barrett's Privateers (4)
Death Throes of the Terrorsquid
Walk the Plank (2)
Drink (1)
Magnetic North
1741 (The Battle of Cartagena) (1)
*Mead from Hell (6)
*Surf Squid Warfare (4)
*Quest for Ships (5)
Hangover (3)
Sunset on the Golden Age (1)

-Round 12
Over The Seas (2)
Captain Morgan's Revenge
Wenches & Mead (2)
Keelhauled (2)
Black Sails at Midnight (2)
Shipwrecked (2)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (3)
Death Throes of the Terrorsquid (2)
Walk the Plank (3)
Drink (1)
Magnetic North
1741 (The Battle of Cartagena) (1)
Hangover (3)
Sunset on the Golden Age (2)
*Kvaðning (5)

-Round 13
Over The Seas (3)
Captain Morgan's Revenge (1)
Wenches & Mead (2)
Keelhauled (1)
Black Sails at Midnight (3)
Shipwrecked (2)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (3)
Death Throes of the Terrorsquid (2)
Walk the Plank (1)
Drink (1)
Magnetic North
1741 (The Battle of Cartagena) (1)
Hangover (5)
Sunset on the Golden Age (2)
No Grave But the Sea (2)
To the End of the World (5)
Alestorm (2)
Bar ünd Imbiss (5)
Fucked with an Anchor (1)
Pegleg Potion (5)
Man the Pumps (4)
*Rage of the Pentahook (7)
Treasure Island (3)
*Flipped with a Sausage (7)
*Pirate Pizza Party (7)

-Round 14
Over The Seas (3)
Captain Morgan's Revenge (1)
Wenches & Mead (1)
Keelhauled (1)
Black Sails at Midnight (3)
Shipwrecked (1)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (3)
Death Throes of the Terrorsquid (3)
Walk the Plank (2)
Drink (1)
Magnetic North
1741 (The Battle of Cartagena) (1)
*Hangover (6)
Sunset on the Golden Age (3)
No Grave But the Sea (3)
Mexico (1)
*To the End of the World (5)
Alestorm (2)
*Bar ünd Imbiss (5)
Fucked with an Anchor (2)
*Pegleg Potion (6)
*Man the Pumps (5)
Treasure Island (3)

-Round 15
Over The Seas (3)
Captain Morgan's Revenge (1)
Wenches & Mead (2)
Keelhauled (2)
Black Sails at Midnight (3)
Shipwrecked (3)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (3)
*Death Throes of the Terrorsquid (5)
Walk the Plank (4)
Drink (1)
Magnetic North
1741 (The Battle of Cartagena) (2)
Sunset on the Golden Age (3)
*No Grave But the Sea (5)
Mexico (3)
*Alestorm (5)
Fucked with an Anchor (2)
*Treasure Island (5)

-Round 16
Over The Seas (3)
Captain Morgan's Revenge (1)
Wenches & Mead (3)
Keelhauled (2)
*Black Sails at Midnight (5)
Shipwrecked (2)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (2)
*Walk the Plank (5)
Drink (1)
Magnetic North (3)
1741 (The Battle of Cartagena) (1)
Sunset on the Golden Age (4)
Mexico (2)
Fucked with an Anchor (1)

-Round 17
*Over The Seas (4)
Captain Morgan's Revenge
Wenches & Mead (3)
Keelhauled (1)
Shipwrecked (2)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (2)
Drink (1)
*Magnetic North (4)
1741 (The Battle of Cartagena) (2)
Sunset on the Golden Age (3)
Mexico (2)
Fucked with an Anchor (2)

-Round 18
Captain Morgan's Revenge (1)
*Wenches & Mead (3)
Keelhauled (1)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (1)
Drink (1)
1741 (The Battle of Cartagena) (1)
Sunset on the Golden Age (2)
Mexico (2)
Fucked with an Anchor (2)

-Round 19
Captain Morgan's Revenge (2)
Keelhauled (2)
Shipwrecked (2)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (1)
Drink (1)
*1741 (The Battle of Cartagena) (3)
Sunset on the Golden Age (2)
Mexico (2)
Fucked with an Anchor (2)

-Round 20
Captain Morgan's Revenge (2)
Keelhauled (2)
Shipwrecked (2)
The Sunk'n Norwegian (2)
Drink (1)
*Sunset on the Golden Age (3)
Mexico (2)
Fucked with an Anchor (2)

-Round 21
Captain Morgan's Revenge (1)
Keelhauled (2)
Shipwrecked (3)
*The Sunk'n Norwegian (4)
Drink (2)
Mexico (2)
Fucked with an Anchor (2)

-Round 22
Captain Morgan's Revenge
Keelhauled (2)
*Shipwrecked (4)
Drink (2)
Mexico (1)
Fucked with an Anchor (2)

-Round 23
Captain Morgan's Revenge (2)
Keelhauled (2)
Drink (2)
Mexico (2)
*Fucked with an Anchor (3)

-Round 24
Captain Morgan's Revenge (2)
Keelhauled (3)
Drink (1)
*Mexico (6)

-Round 25
*Captain Morgan's Revenge (3)
Keelhauled (2)
Drink (1)

-Round 26
*Keelhauled (4)
Drink (1)


Do we do an album survivor now?
There were six voters, which was the usual number in each tournament. I actually gave it a couple extra days after I saw it because I was too lazy to update right away. The only round I closed a little early was this final one, mainly because there was no way that Keelhauled was gonna get out of it alive, given how many votes it had already received.