Iron Lurker
Ancient Mariner
Heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery a couple months ago.What happened to our Blaze?
Heart attack and quadruple bypass surgery a couple months ago.What happened to our Blaze?
Don't want to speculate to much, Bill Byford is 13 years older and went through a triple bypass in 2019 and toured like crazy in 2022 so I'm sure Blaze will be back too. All his tour dates have been cancelled, but the Wolfsbane dates in december are still on sale. I do worry a little bit since Blaze hasn't appeared in any videos or interviews yet (which he usually do all the time), might indicate he took some damage from the heart attack. I know both Mark and Chris (General and touring management members) have meet him and planning the future! Not sure if Blaze is struggling with long term issues.Wonder how he's doing? I hope he's recovering nicely
I understand there are very different opinions about that guy, but wasn't he backstage with Steve last year in Croatia? Seems like he is on Steve's good side at least. And he has been helping Paul Di'Anno. But a lot of people seem to think he is slippery as fuck.
For sure. Somebody's got a helluva ton of unread mail.New fanclub newsletter just in.... Seems as they are hinting at something, anyone catch anything from the photo?
I am one of these people. I'm sure he took the money that many people (including me) donated to Paul's surgery and later call Maiden to pay the whole surgery.But a lot of people seem to think he is slippery as fuck.
Wasted Years 2 is coming
Yupp. I've got to say that I'm scared.I’m running out of breath just keeping up with this thread.
New fanclub newsletter just in.... Seems as they are hinting at something, anyone catch anything from the photo?